Back to Starcourt

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When we arrived outside Starcourt , Hopper and Joyce rushed inside though we left behind not very far to help Alexei get off the car in order not to hurt his injury. The wound has stopped bleeding but the bad thing is that the bullet's still in his shoulder.

"Here" I gave him my hand as he intertwined it with his and got out.

As we entered the mall, what the hell..... we saw a small mucus creature crawling towards us.

"Shit" Murray exclaimed .

Hopper stepped on it as we figured out that thing came its way from El and our friends.

Hopper stepped on it as we figured out that thing came its way from El and our friends

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Alexei was holding my hand firmly because of what he just seen.
We reunited as we helped El to get up and it was sweet to see Joyce hugging her son, Will. After being hugged my his mom, Will called out my name as he rushed towards me and gave me a big hug with his small arms wrapped around me "Kim!" .

"Hey there buddy!" I bent down a little and returned a warm hug. Will has always been like a little brother to me since the very first day of his school days.

"Thank goodness you're ok!" Will muttered while hugging me.

"Isn't that the question I should be asking you, young man?" I giggled as he chuckled back.

As he pulled back from the hug, I looked at Nancy who was standing near "Nance, we need your help".
"What? You want me to take out the bullet from him?" Nancy asked.

"Yes! You were in the first aid team on our high school days! The only one in this mall who can do it is you Nance. He might get infected anytime, so please" I begged.

"I don't even know this guy and what if.." Nancy started to get panicked.

"You got this Nancy" Johnathan comforted.

I could hear Nancy breathing heavily.

"Alright" she finally agreed to do it. "Let's get some supplies".

"Thank you" i smiled as she agreed to save Alexei's life.

Then, We fetched some medical supplies from the pharmacy upstairs.

As soon as we arrived back to where our friends are , Hopper informed "Nancy, you gotta be quick ok? The Russians or the mind flayer can be here anytime".

"I'll do my best "Nancy replied.

Murray told Alexei of what we're gonna do as he completely agreed to.

I let him sit on the floor by the wall as I sat beside him holding his hand. "It will take only for a while, after that you'll be safe". I still managed to say though I was worried.

Murray translated my words to Alexei as he smiled , pulling my hand and placing a kiss on the back of it.

"Alright" I continued "let's get you well".

For a better access to the wound, I unbuttoned his shirt with my shaky fingers. In normal situation, I might get blushed like a tomato face but I can't this time as he's in a great danger.

I gradually took off his shirt which revealed his well built body . To be honest, I didn't expect him to be this muscular .

I could feel him looking into my eyes though I did not look back because I'm trying not to blush . He then told me something .

Murray who was standing beside us listened to what Alexei said but I could hear Murray chuckled back.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"He says he wants you to touch him like this in the future too" Murray translated.

I could feel my cheeks heating up and blushed at Alexei's words as it made me feel butterflies in my stomach.

"Of course" I smiled as he caressed my hand.

Nancy checked on the wound on his shoulder as she stated " the bullet's deeper than I thought" . Joyce asked " is it possible to get it out?" . "Yeah, but make sure to keep him stay still" Nancy convinced.

I nodded as I held his hand firmly in mine , slowly rubbing the back of his.

Nancy grabbed the tweezer and began to snatch the bullet from his shoulder. Alexei groaned and squeezed my hand as it's very painful to him.

"Almost" Nancy continued and deepened the tweezer which made Alexei cursed in Russian.

This hurt my heart so much that I softly wrapped my arms around his neck from the side and let his head rest on the crook of my neck. Petting his hair softly as I could hear him whimpering loudly.

"It's ok it's ok, I'm here ..." I had to endure this for his sake.

"Got it!" Nancy exclaimed as she took out the bronze color bullet from his bleeding shoulder.

I looked at Nancy as I thanked her . By the time I pulled Alexei from my hug , I saw him panting and sweating a lot.

I rubbed sweat from his face with my bare hand as I smiled at him and whispered " hey.. it's over now, you're safe" . I really wish he could understand what I'm saying .

"My brave boy" I continued , cupping his face as i planted a soft kiss on his forehead.
Thank you for reading !💕

Also, a big shout out to my bestie gris_oscuro for helping me throughout the chapters!❤️ check out her acc ^^

I'll be fine • Alexei Where stories live. Discover now