Not too far from insanity

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Ever since i fell in love with one direction, i kept dreaming about them at night. Not what you think. Not the lovey dovey shit that everyone else dreams about. Unfortunately my dreams were less than normal infact i think they weren’t that far off from being insane.

These events were caused by my best friend, spreading her love for one direction to everyone she talked to. It seriously was like an infection but this infection left you with a heart that longed for those 5 cuties and in my case, a sychotic mind. I guess you could say i went crazy.

My love is reserved for Harry Styles and him only. Even though i’ve contracted this one direction infection, i could never remember all their names. They sounded the same in my mind. And it doesn’t help that i have an extremely bad memory. But let me start my story from the begining. DRAMATIC FLASHBACK

It was a the first day of school and i coudn’t wait to see my friends again. First person i saw was my best friend, Alexis. We started talking instantly and all she could talk about was one direction. She started showing pictures and videos of them .

Well i guess it was a slow process but she got me infected. The night i got infected, i dreamt my very first dream of one direction (or to be more precise, Harry). It started with us together alone…Well this isn’t going where your perverted mind thought it was going. We started kissing romanticly on what seemed to be a beach.

His kiss was like the ones you read about in those romance novels. It was breath taking. Literaly. I started choking on my own breath. I couldn’t breath. I closed my eyes for a second to regain my breath but then somehow we ended up in a volcano. How that happened only my wierd imagination can tell.

But either way i was holding on for dear life when i see harry smiling at me at the top of the volcano. I yelled at him to help me with no avail. I was getting pissed off so i yelled ‘’FUCK YOU’’. After i said that a creepy grin spread across his face and he replied ‘’Oh i intend to’’. I woke up confused about what just happened. Had i really gone insane?

I spoke of that to no one. My next dreams were creepier and creepier. I started reading some fan fiction and that gave my imagination more idea’s on how to scare the crap out of me. One night i read a fan fiction about them being taken hostage.

Well that night, i dreamt of taking them hostage and as they were sitting in the room, i randomly go up to Harry and i said ‘’Shhh, Don’t speak’’. After awhile I decided they could leave so i said ‘’you can all go now’’ turning my back to them. I slightly turn my head towards Harry and say ‘’Nuh uh uh. You stay with me’’. That was when this dream came to an end. Eventualy i had to tell someone! They were driving me crazy!

I went to Alexis and I explained all my wierd dreams. Her eyes were filled with tears from laughing so much. She replied ‘’ Oh my gosh! You should totally make that a parody of a fanfiction’’. It was then that i heard a beeping that gets louder and louder. I woke up from my nightmare. Was that all a dream!? It had to have been! I don’t even like one direction.

I rubbed my head thinking ‘’Did i just narrarate a story in my dreams..wait..i dreamt about a dream in a dream in a dream’’. Damn i have to stop watching Inception.

                                    THE END.

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