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I walk
I walk
And I walk

No intention anymore through every pain and every step.

No intention in every crackle of leaves


I walk and put myself through tons of pain for no intention.

And I sob as I walk

Tears streaming, loud sobs coming out of my heart, and snot dripping out of my mouth as I take every step.

I remember every memory there is between me and Kenya.

In 8th grade when we both got afraid of the Mid sommar movie and left the theatre to see spider man.

In 7th grade when we told Charles Monday that he was a fucking idiot and he freaked out that we said a cuss

I giggle to myself as I remember Charles's face.

And then I sob some more.

I sob as I crunch every leaf

I sob as I take every step.

I sob through every pain.

I sob. I sob over the loss of Kenya's existence. My only love.

And then it stops.

I have to do this for her. I have to.

And now I have intention.
I have intention for every pain and every breathe.

I must do this.

For Kenya
For Amelia
For my Mom.

For everyone who has lost a life to this sun.

And when I'm close.

When I see the front door.

I feel the air get even heavier.
I feel the feeling of not being able to breathe.

I feel dizzy.

This is it.

I fall on the ground, not being able to run to the front door, no energy.

I try to scream for help. I try. But I can't mask it.

I see it.

The light.

I see the stars and the trees.

And then I see Kenya one last time.

And then it's black.

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