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Kenya's point of view
Her smile was like a little lazar of light in the darkness.

It lit me up a little inside.

Janet let's Cynthia loose, I can see tears streaming down Janet's face and Cynthia has a wide smile painted on her face.

Cynthia looks down at me.

I'm sitting in the bath tub.

I flash a smile at her.

A tear rolls down her cheek.

As soon as I start to get up, she runs to me, and tramples me back into the tub.

Now don't get me wrong, it did hurt, but it was comforting.

We both giggle,our sweaty, full of fear body's close.

She hugs me as hard as she can.

She pulls me back, her hands on my shoulders, and whispers "open your mind"

I'm close minded, this means she was going to present a new idea.

I was closing my mind immediately and she knew it.

She turns around and looks at the doughy eyed girl behind us.

She's small, and afraid, like a mouse.

"This is Octavia" says Cynthia.

She gives me a small wave.

I give one back.

"Octavia, this is Kenya." Cynthia says. I can tell by the tone of her voice that she really is trying to make this work.

"Hi" I finally say.

"Hi" she finally says back.

"Okay great" I say in a sarcastic tone as I step out of the moist bathtub.

"Stop." Says Cynthia knowing that I'm gonna to try and avoid socializing.

I give Cynthia a look that says "I'm not up for this right now"

She responds by saying out loud "y'all wanna watch a Netflix movie?!"

Me and Octavia both smile.

The rest of the night was a blur.

We spent hours on Cynthia's tv.

We decided that I was gonna sleep on Cynthia's bed from now on and herself and Octavia would sleep on the air mattress.

Me and Octavia gave each other weird looks the entire night.

Looks that said we didn't want to exist.

Looks that we hoped Cynthia would see.

When we finally turned off the lights, we all started to chat.

"Hey Octavia" Cynthia asks "What's your last name?"

That's the dumbest ice breaker question I've ever heard.

"Diaz" replied Octavia in a sad tone.
"My mom was a Spanish teacher, she ended up kil-"

I interrupt her.

"Killing herself?" I say as I lean over the bed and peek my head down to look at her on the black air mattress.

"Yes" she says in a sad manner.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings" I say to her.

"It's ok." She says "I'm numb"

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