The Spawn Vs. The Lightning

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The next day Raiden arrives outside waiting for you. You walk into your mothers room giving her a kiss and with your power create a little flower for her when she wakes up. you exit the house and meet Raiden. Looking back to your home you take a good look to it.

Raiden: With every enemy defeated Y/n, Their is a shine of hope for all realms. Your mother included.

You take a deep breath.

Y/n: I know that, Its just...going on patrol of the city is nerve wrecking enough. Now I have to be worlds apart from home it's just, Hard to process. Don't mind me, I'm more ready than sponge bob square pants on promotion day.

You look to Raiden and see his look of confusion.

Y/n: Never Mind, But anyway I know a few good places we can spar, But it might be a little far.

Raiden: Don't worry about that I know of a place, but it might be a little rainy.

Radien then extends his hands and electricity surround his body along with yours and in a flash lighting strikes making you both disappear. Your mother watches from a window with a simile on her face.

-Sky Temple-

The two appear in a flash of lighting in on the sky temple

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The two appear in a flash of lighting in on the sky temple. Raiden then looks to you seeing your nauseated look, but you mange to keep it together and take in your surroundings. Seeing almost nothing but rain and mild lightning storms.

Y/n: So is this normal here? I have never seen anything like it.

Raiden: This place is known as the Sky Temple one of many locations where fighters would participate in Mortal Combat, But for now while there is no tournament taking place we shall use it to test your skills.

Y/n: Are those monks over there okay with this? It might not be safe for them.


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Raiden: They are worshipers of the elder gods, they are disciplined to ignore their surroundings. Now on to your training, If you would prepare your self.

Y/n: Quick rundown, My dad was EXTREMELY more powerful than me.

Raiden: And you most likely don't have unlimited Necroplasm Magic, but with practice you might even become stronger than your father.

You smile at the thought of that and take a deep breath and within a second a red cloth covers your body transforming you into your spawn. You stretch for a moment and make a fist and ignite Necroplasm in your hand looking to Raiden.

 You stretch for a moment and make a fist and ignite Necroplasm in your hand looking to Raiden

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(Close to the first one right?)

Y/n: Prepare yourself Raiden.

Raiden: It is said that you can also feed on the sins of others?

Y/n: Yes and it seems that i feel a few on you Raiden.


Y/n: You Hear something?

While you are distracted Raiden appears behind Y/n and blast lightning in his  back throwing him off balance and then shoots a lighting bolt stunning him quickly taking the chance he surrounds his body with lighting and flies in his direction, but runs into chains that block the attack wrapping around Raiden lifting him in the air and slamming him to the ground. The chains then retreat in back to Y/n. Raiden stands to his feet and prepares for the coming attack.

Y/n then fires a beam of Necroplasm and witch Raien jumps over it only to meet you mid air grabbing him and throwing him back down firing another blast of Necroplasm down at Raiden. Just as he stands to his feet and he meets the Y/n fist getting staggered and kicked in the face for a moment. Y/n then charges his hand with Necroplasm energy hitting Raiden with a upper cutting him into the air, summoning your chains grabbing him midair they quickly swing him back to you with Raiden getting hit hard with a clothes line knocking his body across the area though he slides back to his feet. Raiden shakes off the attack, and looks to you with a smile on his face.

Raiden: Well done Y/n, Your power is just as I expected.

He then teleports behind you again, but not falling for the same trick twice your cape stops Raiden's lightning burst attack wrapping around his arms and pushing his back.

Raiden: Your Cape?

Y/n: It Kinda has a mind of it's own, So how'd I do?

The thunder god stands to his feet and thinks about the the fight. From seeing you utilize your power of Necroplasm and use of Chains and combat abilities to your at times self aware Cape, There is no telling at what  your limits are. Raiden walks over to you and reaches his hand to you.

Raiden: You will be the greatest of Earth Realms defense Y/n, May The Elder gods protect you.

Your suit retracts as you take Raidens hand with a smile on your face.

Spawn Wins! Friendship?!

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