Spell Unleashed: Part One

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Months after your disappearance and arrival on Out-world, you have slowly begun to accustom yourself to the local Tarkatan people and their leader Mileena Khan. Though most seem to hate your "Earth-Realm stench", While the lesser some seem to welcome you. Baraka treats you harshly and acts pretty cold, but that is pretty normal for someone who's people have been abused for so long and some stranger lands on their front lawn. Mileena is very protective of her people from what you have learned Tarkatan's have gotten most of the tail end of things for a long time and now after making a deal with Out-worlds leader Kotal Khan they have finally gotten the wheels moving.

Y/n walks out in the dessert like rocky landscape, feeling the warm breeze blow past. If it wasn't for the Extinction level invasion on earth right now, this would feel a lot more peaceful right now. You sit down on a rather nice view point of the sandy Waste Lands of Out-world.

After a while of peace and quiet you hear footsteps come up from behind you, looking back you see Mileena along with her guardsmen.

Mileena: (Leave Us)

They growl looking to you as they take their leave. Mileena sits next to you also looking out into the vast landscape. You can't help but to feel honored to be in the presents of the Princess. You chuckle a bit before going back to gazing.

Mileena: These lands have experienced the wrath of War and has been ruined to no return. We Tarkatan people have known battle since their birth and since the rise of Kotal Khan he has made the choice to feed my people the scraps of what is deserved. This is the same for the Shokan people, but from the Months you have been here you have served my people greatly, you have shown great kindness to my people, and you have my Gratitude.

Y/n: No problem, not everybody is invincible and can use a little help from time to time. Your people have not been treated with the respect they deserve. With a Leader as good as you I'm surprised that your people haven't gotten their share yet.

Mileena blushes from the flattery and looks away. You smile from the Tarkatan woman's action. She looks back to you.

Mileena: Y/n I wish for you to- Ah?

Suddenly a panicked Tarkatan solider stumbles to his feet badly hurt.

Tarkatan: (Princess Osh-tekk and Earthrealm forces have broken through the North Gate!)

Mileena: Rally the City guard and get the people to safety, I will prepare.

Y/n: I'll come with you. I have enough power for me to last.

The guard looks to Mileena and she looks back to him.

Mileena: What are you waiting for? Get him Armor!

-Later at the raids-

Oshteek warriors tear through the small Tarkatan huts, dragging the residents out and lining them up. Tarkatan women and children stand there in fear not knowing is coming next. The sound of insect like clicking and buzzing can be heard moving in and getting closer. Feet of a woman stands before the crowds and one the children look up, and is shaken to his core to who is looking back.

 Feet of a woman stands before the crowds and one the children look up, and is shaken to his core to who is looking back

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