Spell Unleashed: Part Two

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Your eyes open to see...Darkness all around, Darkness so blinding you couldn't tell if your eyes where open, It's so cold here, so empty. Is this the end then? No heaven? No Hell?

Just the Darkness? No...

The faint sound of a voice makes you perk up, and sight a very distance light. You reach for it, grab at it, to be rewarded with nothing. Something in what you think is in your body burns, you move, and don't stop.

I am not dying now!

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Raiden appears on a platform, looking around to see the Cosmos before him.

Raiden: Elder Gods of the all the Realms, I call upon you in this desperate time of need.

After a little while a Flash of light appears and, in their place, The Elder Gods sit on their thrones. 

Raiden: Elder Gods, a Nefarious plan is at work by the hands of an acolyte of Shinnok, Quan-Chi. He plans to release a forbidden spell of such power, it could affect all life throughout all the Realms, Enslavement on a scale never before seen or thought possible, and even threats have dominion even over you.

The Elder Gods look at each other seeming baffled at this statement, The Elder Gods speak as one.

Elder Gods: There was a time where we shaped the Realms through our own power, and through the Millenniums we have learned other ways for Mortals on different worlds to Evolve and Thrive without our assistance and so we watch from afar. It would seem, the constant chase Domination, and Control, birthed a power that even we thought forgotten, the Soul Blaze. A forbidden and extremely dangerous power that Only we Elder Gods have proper control over, In the hands of a Mortal, this will lead to self-destruction if not performed Perfectly, to perform the Soul Blaze is a Fruitless effort by the likes of a Mortal... But

Raiden perks up and turns around to a female Elder God that seems to break from the Union of the other voices.

Elder Goddess: As an Elder God of Life, I will not let such a Blasphemous action against nature go unpunished. If this "Quan-Chi" survives his endeavor for my brothers Return...He will wreak Unseen horror amongst Mortal kind. 

The Goddess form then suddenly turns to stone, and from behind the large throne a Woman comes from behind it.

The Goddess form then suddenly turns to stone, and from behind the large throne a Woman comes from behind it

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I Cetrion Goddess of Life will aid you Raiden.

Raiden smiles and bows as she stands before him. Raiden looks to the other Elder Gods.

Elder Gods: You would relinquish your throne Cetrion?

Cetrion: The Time of standing Idly by for me my brothers and sisters, is over.

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