Quan Chi Returns

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The Battle rages on with soldiers of earth realm fighting back against monsters of Nether Realm with your self in Spawn form along with Sonya on the front line. You rip and tear through each attacking demon approaching the base. Just as you dispatch another demon you look over to see a pale man and other stronger looking followers. Sonya looks in the same direction and grits her teeth.

Sonya: Quan Chi, Sorcerer of nether realm and Shao Khan along with his revenant followers of fallen earth realm defenders. The guy whos nuts I smashed years ago.

Spawn: You hit him in the nuts?!

Sonya: We are going to be out numbered, we need to either get back up or fall back now!

You look around as the numbers of the demons start to grow with Quan Chi in the back ground. You start to see the Soldiers struggle with coming demons and slowly die off one by one. You reach the peak of your patience as you gain an idea as your cape disperses and covers the what is left of the Soldiers along with Sonya taking them to cover. You focus Necroplasm energy into the power of an exploding sun as the energy takes form and within a flash everything is consumed and with the after math only showing the charred and burned remains of the Quan Chi's forces. Your cape returns to you and Sonya looks in "Aw" as she looks upon the dead. You fall to your knees from the exhaustion. You then hear foot steps and look up to a pale man with symbols on his head.

Quan Chi: So you are now the holder of Leetha of the Seventh Kay house and the new Hell Spawn? I expected more, You have shown you are yet another slave to the Thunder God, But if you join me I Ca-

Spawn: Enough with the Villain exposition of why I should join you, Besides their is no power that you can offer that can change my mind.

One of Quan Chi's revenants step up while Quan Chi himself smirks from the cheeky remark.

??????: You dare speak to our master in such a manor?!

You look to the Revenant behind Quan Chi.

Spawn: You are a slave to his magic and now you are a husk of what you all once where, But maybe I can help you.

Quan Chi then blast you with necroplasm sending you flying you, but still on your feet. You look to Quan Chi in surprise.

Quan Chi: You are not the only one with Dominion of Necroplasm magic Boy.

Quan Chi: You are not the only one with Dominion of Necroplasm magic Boy

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Spawn: The sins of your past misdeeds call for your judgement!

Quan Chi: Time for the Son to burn with his Father in the Nether Realm!


Quan Chi fires skulls in your direction with you quickly blocking and firing with blast of your own. Now in close range you wrap your hands with chains and start to take your swings at Quan Chi with him moving out way constantly, But as he goes for the block the chains wrap his arms together sending your energy through making them explode in his face. Quan Chi quickly recovers and his eyes glow bright red as a demon bat above him and it attacks firing fire balls from its mouth. You try using chains to get rid of it, but as you do this the ground suddenly pulls you down weakening your legs. The bat disappears then a blast of Necroplasm hits you throwing you off your balance.

X-RAY! Quan Chi!

Quan Chi Comes through the portal with skull constructs in hand smashing them together on both sides of your head, Then kicking you in the chest into another portal behind you with you exiting head first on the ground and Quan Chi coming in landing and stomping on your neck.

You writhe in pain on the ground  

Quan Chi: You do not yet have the power as your father, But can give you the power of an entire legion you only need to swear your allegiance to me.

You then go from pain and then start to giggle.

Quan Chi: Yes think of all the power you could have, Holding the world in your hands. All you have to say is four words "What is thy biding"

You look up to Quan Chi showing your face.

Spawn: My Turn Ass Hole.

Your body then turns in sand fall to the ground at the same time you rise behind him. One of the revenants 


Quan Chi turns only to be sent flying mid air.

X-RAY! Spawn!

Your chains go through the ground and smash back to surface engulfed in flames catching and burning Quan Chi then crushing him, then swinging him around throwing him to you with your cape turning mace hitting him in the face mid flight knocking him to the ground.

Spawn walks over to the weakened Quan Chi, your chains surround him.

Spawn: Tell my father I sent ya.

Just as your about to give the fatal blow Quan Chi then smiles as a blade stabs into your back dropping you to the ground in pain.

Quan Chi: All this power gone to waste and an unwilling host to use Leetha to it's full Lethal potential, But I can fix that.

His hand then glows with Necroplasm magic and shoves his hand through your chest, You spit the substance on Quan Chi's Arm as he pulls out the essence of your soul through your chest making you scream in agony and turning you back to your normal form. Quan Chi looks at it for a moment and grins.

Quan Chi Wins! Brutality!

Quan Chi: You are no longer needed, And to thank you for contribution you get a one way stay to Out-world. Enjoy it's waste lands.

Sonya: No!

Sonya rushes in to help and what is left of the Soldiers, they are fought back by the Revenants. You reach for Quan Chi's neck, but fall to your knees from fatigue. A portal opens beneath you taking you entirely without a trace behind.

Another portal opens in the sky you falling out and full speed and crashing into the sand. You try to stand to your feet, but just as you lose your vision you see what looks like a woman standing over you, but it is to late and you fall unconscious.

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