We Want You

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After the meeting with Raiden you returned home to your mother just as you enter the door you are met with a hug that almost squeezed the life out of you, But you can't help but feel that something is off. A presents that won't go away and just stays there like your being watched. You brush it off thinking that it is just soreness from the fight with Raiden. 

Mom: I'm so proud of you son, your father might not have approved, But I doubt that he wouldn't be happy too.

Y/n: I can only hope that threats that I encounter don't find their way here anytime I'm away, but even if they do it'll be a one way trip to hell.

Mom: Well to celebra-

suddenly Mom falls to her knees you quickly help her to her feet and bed room. Later in the day while tending to your mother you hear the sound of a helicopter from the distance and getting closer and closer and then what look like military cars surrounding the house. Mom starts to worry and so do you, for safety you grip the covers of the bed and they turn red of the color of your cape. You then hear a knock at the door.

Solider: Y/n L/n this is Captain Leo of the Earth Realm defense, We where sent to pick you up.

You open the door to see the Leo along with the rest of his unit.

Y/n: despite my powers You know I'm still basically a kid living with his mom right? what gives with all the cars and the freaking helicopter?

Soldier: Well, For your and our safety we ourselves are still humans.

Y/n: *Sigh* Weak ass homo-sapiens, Always relying on the strong to help, Maybe I should just wipe you all from the face of the Earth...

Leo stands still for a moment feeling a chill going down his spine along soldiers around the house grip their guns now nervous. Feeling the fear from them you then start to chuckle.

Y/n: I'm Kidding man, Dark sense of humor, But next time try not to look so hostile.

You feel the tension break when the soldiers take a sigh of relief, You look the helicopter.

Y/n: But you did say you where sent to pick me up, On who's order?

---Later That Day---

Leo leads you to their training room where you see a woman fighting what look like a mixture of warriors from all around the planet. She taking each one out like Faze Jev playing with Requis in Multiplayer Leo looks to you.

Leo: This is General Sonya Blade, She runs things here and uh be a little careful she's-

Sonya: You are dismissed Captain Leo.

Leo stands in place and saluting and leaving you to the general. You give a sense of the atmosphere of the room and you feel the tension radiating off the woman as she with each blast. feeling that standing here won't help you clear your throat and walk up to her, But in that instant a sudden force hits you in your chest knocking you on your ass. You look up to see the disappointed look of Sonya.

Sonya: A Fighter is prepared for anything, Raiden said that you are a promising and already i'm not impressed.

You give a surprised look and stand to your feet only to be knocked down again. Starting to get a little annoyed you quickly stand to your feet. Sonya then notices your reluctance to fight she takes the aggressive and rushes to toward you attacking with various kicks and punches that you block and doge.

 Sonya then notices your reluctance to fight she takes the aggressive and rushes to toward you attacking with various kicks and punches that you block and doge

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(Come on, you can do more than that can't you?)

Your cape then pushes you back to your feet then wraps around your hands making soft fighting gloves. You put your hands up making a taunting motion, She grins.

Sonya: You better not hold back.

Y/n: The fight would end to early if I did.

Sonya: Ooh Time to tech the newbie a lesson.


 Sonya fires a her wrist laser with you blocking and you slowly closing the gap, She back flips then leaps over you with only her hands and keeps pressure as you continue to block. Just as she goes for a high kick, But you catch and push her back now with you on the offensive throwing punches and body shots though she manages to counter and slowly tries to push back to the offence, But just as she leaps again into the air for an attack you stomp your foot on the ground shooting chains from the ground grabbing her mid jump and tossing her back to the ground.

Sonya: Well done, But...

She then pulls out a trigger and pressing it suddenly electricity flows thorough your body stunning you. With the short time she has she rushes and combos her while your still stunned, and just as she is about to finish her combo you block and push her back with a Necroplasm energy burst sending pushing her back. You stand back into your fighting position ready for Sonya's next attack. She then grins and walks up.

Sonya: Guess Raiden can choose wisely when he wants to.

She then reaches her hand to you sensing the atmosphere lighten just a bit your gloves change back into your cape and to your normal clothes. You then do the same taking her hand.

Sonya: I am Genral Sonya blade of Earth Realm Defense, part Radien's front line in the fight for Earth, It will be a pleasure working with you, I hope.

Y/n: Y/n L/n, Present Spawn of "Earth Realm" and just joined Raiden just about yesterday and I hope who we are fighting against won't be as hard as I have heard. And what do you mean "Hope"?

Friendship Again!?

Suddenly an explosion is heard from outside the base and a soldier runs into the training room.

Soldier: Captain Blade we have Nether Realm forces and reports of attacks on other bases are coming in hot!

Sonya looks to you.

Sonya: Alright newbie, Time to see what you got!

Y/n: Let's Go.

(Please don't judge me for the Re-title...)

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