Warrior of Earth Realm

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Mom sits in the kitchen waiting for the meatloaf in the oven to finish cooking when suddenly the a sound lighting is heard outside making the power go out for a moment then back on again. She similes for a moment knowing who is at the door and sure enough the sound of knocking makes her giggle for a moment as she walks to the door opening it with a welcoming simile on her face.

Mother: It is has been so long, It is good to see you Raiden.

Mother: It is has been so long, It is good to see you Raiden

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( The same to you Mother L/n, You look well)

The two embrace in a hug for a moment and she welcomes him inside. Mom walks to the kitchen and opens the oven to the now finish steaming and perfect meat loaf. Raiden smiles at this.

Mother: Care for some, You are always getting in so many fights with that shin-oak fellow. You would think the Elder Gods would do something about him themselves.

He thinks about that for a moment and nods slightly in agreement both smile and then both take a seat at the table while the Loaf cools.

Mother: What is on your mind old friend?

Raiden: After the battle and defeat of Shinnok there have been sightings and reports of strange creatures and disappearances of people within earth realm, With your husband giving the power of the Hell Spawn to your son He could be the strongest warrior I have seen. Though he is still in practice he is a formidable to those that challenge him.

Mom sighs look outside to the distant City/Town with a worried look on her face.

Mother: After all these years of fighting and defending to point of death from my husband, and now to my son Y/n I ask myself "Will there ever be peace in this world?"

Raiden: With every hero that is willing to stand for what they care about and fight to so, the change of peace always comes afterwards.

Mother: And what about the scars and the pain after the fact?

Raiden pauses for a moment in the thought of another defender who is now in hiding giving sigh.

Raiden: That is up to him..

Mom looks back to Raiden. Suddenly the two are interrupted by you walking in making it really awkward. Raiden stands to his feet walking to you.

Raiden: Greetings Y/n, I am Raiden a long time friend of your mother and father.

Raiden extends his hand, you look to your mom for confirmation, she nods to you with a smile on your face. Looking back to Raiden you shake his hand with a smile on your face.

Y/n: My dad talked about you when I was a kid, You look rather...Shocking in person.

Your mother gives a giggle as she prepares plates for Herself and You. Raiden smiles.

Raiden: Do mind if I speak you outside.

Y/n: Alright.

Mom: Please don't be long.

Outside you and Raiden stand on the porch looking to the City/Town of (Residence).

Radien: Your father ever since I met him though cursed  with unnatural power has always believed in a era of peace within earth realm, and so do I, But in order to protect you and M/n he worked in the shadows and never really got involved with the large scale threats, Though it would have been helpful.

Y/n: He was never the one to look or cause trouble, but when it came down to me and mom he...

You stop giving thought of your father witch Raiden notices this putting his hand on your shoulder.

Raiden: You cannot always protect earth realm alone, because enemies beyond this one will have power destroy the entire universe with a snap there fingers and it will take more than just one, but an army. Will you join mine?

You look to Radien and back to the city giving a look of determination as Necroplasm glows though your eyes.

Raiden: I will have to test your skills-

Y/n: After dinner, Mind Joining us?

-Inside with your mother enjoying some meatloaf-

Your mother notice the tears on your and Raiden's face.

Mother: What is wrong boys?

Y/n: Its so...Damn...Good.

Raiden: Nothing can surpass this, Nothing *Sniff*

The two continue there meal while mom smiles with joy in her heart

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The two continue there meal while mom smiles with joy in her heart.

Mom thoughts: You will be the greatest defender of Earth realm my son, I just know it!

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