The Zharyugo Cruiser exits hyperspace and arrives at the destination. On the battlefield, three ally cruisers surrounded the stolen Zytrivian Crusier and the enemy fleet was pratically destroyed.
♤Madeline here. How's the situation looking like?♤
["The enemy cruiser is too outnumbered to fight back. They're concentrating most of its energy on the deflector Shields."]
♤Good. That means we can get in smoothly.♤
"^Stay sharp though. Elijah has more experience in battle than us both. He must have a trick up his sleeve.^"
♤Well, in that case...♤She quickly goes to comms.
♤Prepare the ship. Let us know once it's done.♤
And then she started to observe the battle again.A few minutes pass until Madeline notices something. The cruiser was angled in a odd way, not exactly suitable for the situation it was in. Like it was planning to head somewhere.
♤...hey. Peform a quick scan on the ship. It might be trying something.♤
The scan soon starts. Once it ends, the three walked over to check.
-^Looks like they're trying to activate the ship's damaged hyperdrive. They want to escape. But where are they going?^-
♤Calculate the possible trajectory.♤More computer work later, it soon became clear what Elijah was trying to do. The cruiser was angled so that it could jump to hyperspace and head to one of the most vunerable universes at the moment: The Splatoon Universe.
♤...oh no.♤
"^Eeeeshh...looks like he caught wind of your new friends. And he doesn't seem to like them very much.^"
-^What do we do?^-Madeline walks towards one of the pilots.
♤Maneuver the ship to block the cruiser's path. There's no way that universe can fight back against Elijah. We need to buy time.♤
She then faced the commander that was present.
♤Gather a team of your best soldiers. We need to get inside the ship and make sure the enemy doesn't get the hyperdrive working.♤
["Yes, Grandmaster."]He walked away to another room.
"^I'm assuming you have a plan.^"
♤First, we must get the team over to the hyperdrive core. They'll prevent the enemies from fixing it. Once they're in position, we take the fight to Elijah.♤
-^Sounds good. We'll be right behind you.^-A few minutes of preparation pass. The main cruiser blocks the Zytruvian Cruiser's path so it cannot escape while Madeline and her team board onto a small ship.
♤Remember everyone, securing the hyperdrive is top priority. If the enemy reaches their destination, there's a high chance that a large genocide will happen. We can't allow that.♤
["Don't worry, Grandmaster. These monsters will be smoked out for sure."]
♤Once the area is secure, make sure no one enters. My team will take care of Elijah. Are your roles clear?♤
["Yes, ma'am!"]
♤Then let's go.♤Their ship flies out into the battlefield. After dodging all of the energy shots and approaching the cruiser, it docks into the emergency airlock. Once it does and the hatch opens, Madeline, the Paragons and the soldiers quickly enter. The ship then un-docks and leaves.
They all make their way to the hyperdrive core room, defeating all dark knights blocking the path. Except it was a bit more difficult since extra sentry turrets and mechanical guards were installed. And once they arrive at the room, there's a reinforced door in the way.
♤Stand back.♤
Madeline takes a step forward and charges up a eletric punch. She then lands it at the door, destroying it and opening a path. The room was filled with cybernetic guards and sentries. However, that only allowed Madeline to short-circuit everyone using eletric magic.
☆ CELESTIAL CRUSADERS ☆ (Classic Edition)
Science-FictionThis story is a sequel to "->A Sea of Dried Paint", and goes beyond the Splatoon universe this time. Alexandre Bastos is a human who comes from the planet Zytruvia, and ends up crash landing on Unizo's world. After enough discussion, they decide...