Chapter 1- Great

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Hey people, I haven't written in a really long time! I've beem so busy! So im deciding that im going to write some today, tell me what you think of it!


Just When thing were perfect she showed up. Of course. The girl who absolutley despises me, and trust me I despise her back, Megan. I don't know why but she has hated me since the beginning of sixth grade. I practically know everything about her. Even though in most stories the girl doesn't know the enemies story, well in this one I do. It just so happens that one of the things I know about her is she doesn't talk anyone unless she thinks they are "valuable" to her in some way.

I knew she was moving in on him because she saw us spending a lot of time together. And hey, he wasn't ugly. I should have seen it coming sooner or later. That she would get to him at some point. Just like she did with pretty much every guy I have talked to. She went out with every single one of them. Not like she acually cared about them however. The only thing she cared about in the, is 1. How much they mattered to me and she would use transfer that amount of emotion for me into her fuel to get them for herself. 2. They couldnt be that ugly (Which trust me, none of them weren't. Like at all.) 3. Their reputation 4. Their worth (So how far they would go for her, would they do whatever she told them to, how gulible they were, etc.) and 5. (and this one discusses me) How big their dick was. And they all fall for her spell. Every boy that had an intrest in me and I had the slightest bit of feelings for passed all of those qualities. I mean I wouldnt call myself ugly but also not beautiful. But Megan was stunning. No one could resist her. If only they could see the poison hiddin within the sweet red wine. I knew I could get no where near Matthew with her withhim, and if i did there would be nothing im acheiving. So I decided to wait until we met at free period or until i saw him again.


"Hey you, where were you earlier? I missed you." Matt said with a playful frown to me that turned into a smile. His beautiful smile, wait what? Did I honestly just think that? But I just met him, but he did have a cute smile. "Sorry, I um... had some work I had to finish" I said with a cheery smile to hide the lie. He looked at me funny for a minute. I could tell that he didn't really believe the lie but he played it off seeing that I lied about it for a reason. "Ok then, well are you ready for free period?" he said while doing a silly mini raise the roof dance. He's so silly. I liked it... I giggled bofore ATTEMPTING to answer "Su-" As soon as I started to speak Megan swooped in and put her arm around his shoulder and came very close to his side. Which looked very weird because of how much taller he was than her. "Hey! Am I interupting something?" She said in her annoying voice and even though she knew she was interupting she still had the nerve to ask. " Well acually w-" and before Matt could even get out the whole sentence she cut him off. Boy I just want to punch her. "Good! Now let's go Matthew before we are late." What were they late for? Did they make plans and he just forgot to tell me? Or was she just saying that to piss me off even more? No, it definitely her just doing that to piss me off more. I could totally tell she was rushing him off to nothing. "But I-" he started but never got to finish. Somehow my voice just started on its own. "It's ok, you two clearly had plans first" I said with a soft and dissapointed voice I turned and walked away without lookin back so that no ones could see my eyes tearing up with anger and sadness. The last sight I had of the scene was him looking at me in a confused and slightly dissapointed face. Why would he be dissapointed though? Did he like me? Or was it just because he didnt want to be with Megan? I push the thought away. But new ones pop in. Are they dating? When did this happen if they are. I also tried to push those away but none of them would leave. They were driving me insane! They kept me up all night. I didn't like the idea of it all all. It just didn't seem right at all. Them being together. I really didn't want Megan to take this one away from me, just like she did all of the others. Especially after him. The one I had the exact same feelings for before Matt. Even though it was a year and a half ago I couldn't get over it.

I just didn't know what to think these days.

I couldn't take it anymore. So to take my mind off of everything me and some of my friends decided we all needed a bowling night. My father is a little protective so I almost never told them where i was going unless I knew they would approve, but my mother knew what it was like about being a teenage girl so she always had my back when it came to anything. She is the sweetest person i know. I already knew my father wouldn't like this so i just told my mother about everyhting that happened and thats the main reason why im going out and all she told me was and i quote "Have fun, but not tomuch fun. And you know what I mean when i say that." Even though I haven't done it before but I tell her everything. So she knew about that night for my sixteenth birthday the he took me to. And even though she knows me well enough that I don't really want to do any of that crap anyways she just likes to remind me. Which i appreciate. When my mom dropped me off I just told her that I would catch a ride home with one of my friends.

I walk in and see random people around having fun, the people working behind the counters, and then I spot my group. It was Rachael, Emma, Angel, Emily, Tess, Jacob, Jeremy, and Zach. This is gonna be a fun night. Is all I say to myself with a smile before I walk over to my group. Or my "squad".

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2014 ⏰

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