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I didn't sleep very well that night. You wouldn't either if you knew that the most powerful and wicked man in New York would eventually come after you, not to mention Vic was still out to get me. However, I think I had some sort of silent truce with Vic right now. I knew I wouldn't kill him just yet because if I do then Antonio Perry's attention would solely be focused on myself. I'm sure Vic had the same thoughts about me because he didn't even try to kill me after he killed that girl last night.

My lack of sleep wasn't exactly helped by the constant nightmares either. Some nights were nightmare-free. Other nights I'd wake up and all of my sheets and pillows, lamp next to my bed, phone, they would all be thrown across to the other side of the room and I'd be in tears because the dreams were always so vivid and they were always about my step-father. Apparently I got violent in my sleep when I was having one of those dreams. Last night's dreams were no different. I looked at my now smashed lamp across the other side of the room, having no recollection of how it got there, and sighed.

I got out of bed, ignoring the mess and went over to my door. Last night in my panic I had pushed my dresser in front of the door because I was so paranoid that someone was going to come for me. I shouldn't have stayed here, but at the time I didn't know what to do so I just stayed put. Maybe the video that girl sent wasn't even that good. Maybe they wouldn't be able to make out my face. I could only hope.

I moved the dresser away from the door and cautiously walked into my living room. The front door was still shut and the numerous locks on it were still intact, so I guess I was safe. I went straight over to the TV and turned it on, sitting on the couch. I flicked straight to the news and I waited, impatiently, for the headlines. And there it was. A picture of the girl Vic killed last night. Emily Perry, daughter of Antonio Perry, brutally murdered last night. Brutally? Snapping her neck was hardly brutal.

The next thing that came up on the screen chilled me to the bone. Antonio appeared on it. It looked like the camera had been incessantly following him and he finally turned around to respond to the irritating reporter's questions about what he knows and what he's going to do.

"My daughter, she sent me a video. I now know what the perpetrators look like and believe me, I will find you and I will make you pay." He snarled into the camera. It was like he was looking directly at me, speaking directly to me. I gulped, fear running through me.

"Have you sent this video to the NYPD?" The reporter asked.

"If it were my choice I would have kept the video to myself so I could deal with the men in my own way. Unfortunately the police issued a search warrant and retrieved it for themselves." Antonio said. The next second the screen cut from him to two pictures. One of me and one of Vic, the reporter claimed we were wanted and considered highly dangerous.

"Oh fuck." I whispered. I turned the TV off after that, jumping into action. I ran back into my room, grabbing a duffle bag and filling it with as much of my possessions as I could- clothes mainly. I didn't have that many things so it didn't take me too long. I quickly changed out of my sleeping clothes and into new ones. When I was done I picked up the full duffle bag and left my apartment without so much as even giving it one last look. I'd never go back there.

I had a bit of an idea of where I would go I suppose, I mean for now at least. My buddy Justin, well he wasn't really a buddy, more like an acquaintance that had helped me out a couple of times over the years, anyway, he had I guess what you would call a safe house. He made a living off of letting criminals stay with him and the police knew nothing about it. I thought I'd stay there just for today until I figure out what I'm going to do after. I don't have a car so how am I supposed to get out of here? There was always public transport but I could so easily be recognized from the news. I need to lay low.

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