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I was covered in blood...all over my hands...my arms, my shirt. Blood covered me and I was surrounded by dead bodies. The faces of my victims looked back at me lifelessly. My knife dropped to the ground. The were all dead...slaughtered at the hands of myself. How long was I standing there for? It must have been a while. The smell...oh God the smell.

Fear rose in me as one by one the bodies started moving. In a zombie-like state they all got up from the floor, their bones snapping into place as they did so.

"No." I gasped, stepping back. The deformed bodies with their white eyes, frothing at the mouth lurched towards me. I let out a blood curling scream and closed my eyes, falling back on the ground as hands gripped my shoulders. When I opened my eyes I saw my step-father there, on top of me, his hands closing around my throat.

"Stop!" I screamed, but I couldn't hear anything. Nothing was coming out of my mouth.

"Kellin." My stepfather said from above me, or was it? The sound was coming from his mouth but it didn't sound like him. His eyes though, his eyes were rage filled. They were definitely his. The man I loathe stopped choking me so he could undo my pants.

"No! Not again!" I screamed. This isn't happening. This just isn't happening!

"Kellin!" The mystery voice broke through to my thoughts. My step father was still above me though, starting to do what he had done so many times before. Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I struggled against the man who was twice my size.

"Wake up! Fuck!" The voice shouted. Wake up? Am I asleep? Somewhere in my consciousness I was desperately begging for this to all be a dream, no, a nightmare. This is a nightmare. Wake up, Kellin, wake up. He's touching me. His hands are down my pants. Don't touch me!

"Stop!" I screamed. I closed my eyes, begging for this to be over. His hands grabbed my shoulders and shook them roughly. "I won't let you do this to me! I won't let you rape me again! I killed you! You're dead!"

Suddenly something changed. I felt myself being brought back to reality, but still stuck somewhere in the dream. Opening my eyes I could see Vic in front of me, but I still felt my step father's presence. What's going on? Am I on the floor?

"Don't touch me!" I cried, pushing away whoever's hands were on my shoulders.

"Kellin, it's okay. Stop this. You're okay." Vic's voice said over and over. The realization that I had another one of my nightmares hit me. I buried my face in my hands, trying my best to hide my emotions from Vic, but heck, that was out the window now. Why does this keep happening? Why do I keep having these dreams? It's the same thing every time and it won't ever fucking stop!

I felt Vic's hand on my shoulder again. "Dont!" I shouted. I sprung up from the ground and ran into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind me. I collapsed back to the ground, leaning against the door. I tried to calm down but that dream was just so vivid and it took me right back to two years ago. I fucking hated it so much.

Eventually I calmed down, my tears stopped and my breathing went back to normal. I didn't want to go back out there though. I couldn't face Vic, especially after a little episode like that. But I was so tired, so I lay down on the floor, curled into a ball and quickly fell asleep, willing away all thoughts of the dream.

When I awoke I was no longer on the cold, tiled floor. Instead I was on the bed, alone. I sat up, looking around, wondering what the hell happened and how the hell I got here. And where was Vic? I was just so confused. The sun was shining through the windows, blinding me momentarily. I heard water in the bathroom running and a moment later Vic stepped out. I looked up at him and the first thing I noticed was his black eye.

"The fuck happened to you?" I asked.

"Oh, you're up." He said, noticing me there. "You throw one hell of a punch by the way."

Oh...I did that? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I knew I could get violent when I'm having those kinds of dreams. I should have been happy that I hit him. He deserved it after all, but no, I felt embarrassed. I was embarrassed that he had witnessed my meltdown.

"How did I get back here?" I asked. It may have sounded like a stupid question, but I didn't know if he had brought me back here or if I had woken up again and came back myself and simply didn't remember.

"The floor looked uncomfortable so I put you back in bed." He said.


A silence fell over us for a few minutes. I wasn't stupid, I knew what I had said when I was waking up from the dream. I could remember that much. It was only a matter of time before he asked me about it, and it looked like he kind of wanted to as well.

"Don't." I warned him not to ask.

"Wasn't gonna." He said and shrugged. Silence filled the room once again. He walked over to the bed and picked up his shirt, I hadn't even realized he was still shirtless. He slipped it on and I just watched him. What am I supposed to say to him? I'm so fucking embarrassed.

"You snore, by the way." He said, lightening the mood a little.

"I do not! You fucking snore!" I lied. I didn't hear a peep out of him last night.

"Whatever, dude. Come on, we've gotta get out of here soon." He said, collecting his things from the bedside table. He then threw something at me, it landed on my lap- the car keys. "You're driving."

"Wait, what? I can't drive." I said in a panic. Is he fucking crazy? I'll get us both killed!

"I'm going to teach you." He said with a smirk. This is so not ending well.

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