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"What do I do?" I asked. He shook his head.

"N-nothing. You can't...do...anything," he choked out.

"What, so I'm just supposed to watch you suffocate?" I asked.

He didn't reply. He needs more of that stuff, the stuff for the...what is it? The inhaler? Right. And I'd get that from a pharmacist, right? Right. I was fucking terrified, but I knew what I had to do. I got up and painfully limped over to Vic. I took the inhaler from his hand and shoved it in my pocket. I quickly went to my bag, opened it, found a black hoodie and put it on, flipping the hood up over my head. I don't want to be recognized. I headed towards the door.

"Stop...where...are...you...g-going?" he asked slowly.

"It's okay, I'm going to fix this. I'll get what you need, just stay here," I said. 1

I didn't give him another chance to protest. I walked out of the door, making sure I looked around to make sure no one was there waiting for me. When I was sure the coast was clear I hobbled across the parking lot. I wasn't sure exactly where I was going. Okay, I need to find some sort of pharmacy, drug store, fucking whatever! And I need to not get killed. Those guys are still out here somewhere and my guess is they're still looking for Vic and I and they won't stop until they find us and kill us.

I walked down the street, wincing in pain every time I had to step on my sore foot. My ankle was fucking killing me! I had to ignore the pain though. My eyes hopelessly darted around as I looked at each and every building, looking for some sort of sign that there's a drug store somewhere. And finally I saw it, the 24 hour drug store located right at the end of the street. I was basically hopping along by now. My ankle hurt too much to put any pressure on it I went into the drug store.

It was late at night so there wasn't anyone in here except the man behind the counter. I slowly made my way over to him. He looked a little surprised to see me and for a second my paranoia told me he knew me from the news or something, but he didn't look scared so I guess he just wasn't used to customers this late.

"Now what's a young man like you doing out this late at night?" the man asked. It was like he was acting like a fatherly figure although he looked to be in his early thirties.

"I need more of this," I said, getting straight to the point. I tossed him Vic's inhaler. The pharmacist caught it and looked at the label.

"Do you have your prescription?" he asked. I didn't know I needed one.

"Uh, no, I forgot it," I said. He frowned at me.

"You should know that you need it," he said like I was stupid.

"Look, I just need a refill. That's all," I said, getting aggravated now. I need to get out of here. My paranoia was getting the best of me.

"When was your last refill?" he asked skeptically.

He was suspicious of me, heck I would be too. I kept fidgeting and looking behind me. He probably thought I was a drug addict or something like that. Can I even use inhaler stuff to get high? I don't think so. But either way he obviously didn't trust me. I was getting really anxious now.

"It's for a friend," I admitted. "He's back at our hotel room and he can't breathe. Please, I need it. He needs it."

He gave me another odd look before he shook his head and put it down on the counter.

"I'm sorry, son, I ca-" his words were cut off. Why? Well it's a little difficult to talk when you get a bullet through your skull.

I gasped when I saw the man's brain practically splatter on the wall behind me and he fell to the ground. Then I jumped into action, not even turning around, I knew who would be behind me. It would be those men from earlier. I leapt over the counter, dropping down quickly just as more gunshots rang out through the pharmacy. Shit. No. What the fuck do I do?

I looked around desperately for a way to get out of this. Luckily I had my switchblade with me. I slipped it out of the bandana around my wrist and held it tightly. I don't know how I was going to get out of this one. These men were trained to kill. They were out to get me. I can't do this, but I have to try.

"Come on kid, let's not make this difficult," a man's voice said.

"Yeah, we just want to talk," another voice said.

'Talk', yeah I'm sure they do. I didn't answer either of them. I quietly as possible crawled away from the counter and into what I guess was the back room. From the floor I looked around frantically for anything, and then I saw it. There was a pile of needles and syringes on a nearby shelf. I picked one up and filled it with nothing but air. I went back over to where the door was and I stood up, hiding behind it so they couldn't see me.

"Where'd the punk go?" one of the men asked.

Judging by the voices and footsteps, I could tell there was just the two of them. I listened carefully. They had walked behind the counter and were now walking towards me. The footsteps got louder and then one of the men walked into the room. Before he even saw me I lunged at him and injected the air into his neck. The second the air gets to the heart he'll die.

I kneed the man in the crotch and pushed him to the ground. The other man made a yelling noise and I dodged his swinging fist just in time. I ducked under his arm and tripped over the other man's body. Was he dead already? Or just in pain from the blow to his downstairs area? I couldn't worry about that right now. The other man came at me, gun raised. I did the first thing I could think of. I sliced both of his ankles with my switch blade and he quickly fell to the ground, crying out in pain.

"You fucking little prick!" he screamed at me.

I was breathing so heavily and I was so scared, but I knew I had the upper hand. I didn't waste any time in going over to both men and stabbing them in the heart multiple times. Once I was satisfied, and covered in blood I might add, I scrambled back away from the dying people.

It took me a few moments to get over what happened until I remembered why was here. I shakily stood up, went back out to the counter and took the inhaler, I then searched through the backroom until I found one that matched. I got quite a few, shoving them into my pockets. I could hear sirens in the distance so I knew I would have to get out of there quickly. Before I left I took a bandage too for my ankle.

When I left I made sure to keep my head down. The police must have come from the other direction because none passed me which I was thankful for. I was going as fast as I could but it was difficult with a busted ankle. I don't know why I cared so much if Vic lived or not. I know how to drive now. I could just ditch him whenever I wanted to. I guess it was nice to have a companion for once, especially one who understands who I am.

When I got back to the hotel room and rushed in, I saw Vic was in the same position he had been in when I left, only his eyes were closed and he wasn't breathing loudly.

"Vic?" I asked quietly. The Mexican boy's eyes fluttered open. Good, he's alive. I hopped over to him and sat next to him.

"I got you your medicine," I took one out of my pocket and changed over the empty one. I then put the inhaler to his lips.

"Ready?" I asked. He nodded weakly. I pressed it once and he took a deep breath. I waited a moment and he nodded so I pressed it again.

"Is that enough?" I asked.

"One more," he whispered. I nodded and did it again and he took a deep breath. "Thank you."

Ijust gave him a smile and placed the inhaler on the bedside table and got up. Ihopped over to my bed and collapsed on it. I was fucking exhausted. It didn'ttake me long to fall asleep while listening to Vic's even breathing.

Cold Blooded \\ KellicWhere stories live. Discover now