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I was jolted awake as Vic hit a bump in the road. I opened my eyes and groggily looked around only to see that I had fallen asleep with my head resting on Vic's shoulder. I shot up straight away, moving away from him.

"Hey sleeping beauty," he teased.

"Shut up," I mumbled and rubbed my eyes.

"Where are we anyway?" I looked around but it was too dark to really see anything

"Still Utah. You were only asleep for an hour. Which by the way you need more sleep. Don't think I don't notice you lying awake at night," he said. I gave him an odd look.

"Okay, mom," I teased.

"I'm just saying I need you alert in case anything happens and you can't do that if you're tired," he said.

I wasn't in the mood to argue so I just mumbled a 'whatever' and rested my head against the cool window. My eyes fluttered closed but I didn't fall asleep. Honestly I was afraid to. Ever since I was almost killed in the drug store a couple of days ago I've been seeing images of the pharmacist's head being blown off every time I start to drift off. I guess there's just been a lot of killing lately and I know if I go to sleep properly then I'll have nightmares and I don't want nightmares, so I just fall asleep for maybe an hour here and there while we're driving, but never at night when I'm in a bed, because I know I'll get into a deep sleep and it just won't be good.

It felt like I had only closed my eyes for a second when once again I was being woken up. I don't think I slept long at all that time. Maybe even just ten minutes.

"Hey, we're at a hotel," Vic said. I groaned and ignored him. A minute later I was almost falling out of my car seat when Vic opened the door, but he caught me and pulled me out of the car.

"Leave me alone," I groaned in my half asleep state.

I don't know how but I managed to walk with him with my eyes pretty much closed the whole time, into a hotel room. Vic led me around the room and pushed me over. My back fell onto a soft surface. A bed. I smiled at the softness and buried my head into a pillow. I completely ignored my no sleep rule and I soon found myself dozing off.

Sleep overtook me and at first it was glorious. I needed the rest so much, but then of course in came the thoughts.

Over and over again I saw the same image of the pharmacist's head being blown to pieces. I saw myself covered in blood. My dreams took a turn for the worst as it played out different scenarios of that night. What if I were the one who got shot in the head? Or what if the two men had found me in the storage room and killed me before I killed them. There was so much blood as my mind sought out every possible scenario and soon I forgot that they were dreams. They felt so real. I felt like I was back at that store again. The blood splattering on me felt so real. It was everywhere. That was always the focal point. The blood. So much of it.

In this final vision I was at the counter but the pharmacist was no pharmacist. It was Vic. The boy who I had gotten to know so well lately, he was standing there finding it hard to breathe, and then I heard the gunshot and the next second his blood was splattered all over my arms.

"No!" I screamed.

I sat up in what I knew was a bed. I knew I was being pulled from the dream but it felt so real. I actually felt like I had just seen Vic killed and his blood was still all over me. I leapt up from the bed and ran towards what I guessed was the bathroom, flicking on the light and going over to the basin. Tears were flooding my face as the image was replayed over and over again. He's dead. Is he dead? Did he die? He's dead. His blood is all over me. I turned the water on and viciously scrubbed at my hands. I have to get his blood off.

"Kellin," his voice said from behind me but in my confused state I thought I was imagining it.

"I have to get the blood off. It's everywhere," I cried.

"Kellin, Kellin stop. There's no blood," his voice said again.

My wrists were taken away from the sink and the tap was turned off. I looked up and saw Vic standing there.

"It was a dream," he said. He brought his hands up to my cheeks and wiped away the tears, "A really fucking bad dream I'm guessing."

I let out a shaky breath as my tears stopped. He wasn't dead. It was a dream. Of course it was a dream. The thing with my dreams is that it always seems so real and I guess when I'm over-tired it still feels like I'm asleep. But I was awake now, although still tired. I was awake and Vic was okay. He was standing here completely unscathed and okay.

An overwhelming sense of affection came over me and I found myself lunging at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips to his. He didn't respond right away, but I didn't care. I was being needy, I knew that, but I felt like I needed to kiss him.

"Please," I whispered against his lips before devouring them again.

Vic hesitated before he wrapped his arms around my back and finally moved his lips against mine. I guess in the back of my mind I knew he was only doing this because I was so emotional, but why was I doing it? I didn't know or care.

I pulled him out of the bathroom and towards the bed. I fell onto it with him on top of me, my head resting against a pillow. I needed more of him although I wasn't sure why. I wasn't turned on. I just needed him close. My hands trailed down his body to his boxers. I hadn't even realized he was half naked. Well of course he was. He was dressed for sleep. I wasn't though because I fell asleep the second we got here. Vic grabbed my hands before I could go any further and then he pushed away from me

"What are you doing?" I asked breathlessly.

"I'm not doing this with you. Not like this," he said.

We were both silent- him probably because he was waiting for me to realize what was going on, and me because I was doing just that. My mind started to clear and then I started to feel stupid. I started to completely hate myself. I hated my mind for playing tricks on me and I hated myself for always falling for it. And now I made a fool of myself by doing this with Vic and why?

"I thought you died in the dream," I whined, tears were filling my eyes again. Vic frowned and gave me a curious look. We were both silent for a while. 1

"I'm fine. I'm okay," he said, and I knew he was but a few tears still fell.

"I'm a fucking idiot," I said. He shook his head and rolled off of me.

"No, no you're not. You're just tired. Just get some sleep. You need it," he said.

I shook my head quickly, "No. I can't. The dreams will come back."

"Shh," he hushed me. "They won't. I'll be right here."

He lays next to me and wrapped his arm around me, his fingers lacing with mine. He placed a small kiss on my cheek and whispered for me to go to sleep, and that's just what I did.

Cold Blooded \\ KellicWhere stories live. Discover now