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"We should have run." I scolded him. "If we get caught this is your fault and I'm telling them you killed her." Vic moved around on top of me trying to get comfortable. "And for God's sake stop moving around or they'll see us."

"Are you always this bossy?" He asked, finally stopping his movements. He had his elbows on each side of me, propping himself up a bit so he didn't squish me to death, okay so he's not even that big, but still.

I was acting so calm on the outside, but on the inside I was freaking the fuck out. There were cops out there and all they'd have to do is open the back door of this car and take a better look and they'd know we were here. All I could hope for is that they leave quickly after realizing we're not inside. Vic shifted around on top off me again and then I felt his hand running along my thighs.

"What are you doing?" I asked and pushed his hand away.

"Making sure you don't have any knives. I wouldn't want you, you know, killing me." He said. My mind wandered to my switchblade which was still in that room, probably sitting on the bed or floor. I should have picked it up.

"Like I'm going to kill you while you're on top of me." I said with an eye roll. He finally stopped feeling me up and looked at me again. It was intimidating, I guess. He was just intimidating.

"That didn't stop you the other night." He pointed out.

"Are you still going on about that? Come on, dude, move on." I said.

"Move on? You stabbed me." He argued.

"Only a little." I reasoned. "How is that, by the way?" I asked with mock interest and patted his stomach and he flinched. His eyes narrowed in a glare. He looked like he wanted to kill me and maybe I should have checked to see if he had any knives on him.

"How about I do it to you and see how you like it." He snarled. I completely ignored the question and changed topics.

"How long do you think it'll be until they're gone?" I asked.

"A couple of hours." He said.

"A couple of hours?!" I snapped. I was ready to keep ranting but he put his hand over my mouth, shutting me up.

"No yelling, do you want them to hear you?" He scolded.

I rolled my eyes and he removed his hand. And so we lay there for I don't even know how long. I could hear the cops still outside. There were people shouting a lot. I could tell the cops are most likely arresting the others now for whatever crimes they were running from. I just hope that the police are too stupid to search cars.

While we were trapped in here my mind went racing for ideas of what to do next. There was one thing that was in the back of my mind. It had always been my escape plan if things were to go wrong. When my mother left, she left me with a note hidden within a journal I used to own. The note said how she was planning on travelling across the U.S to California and finding a man by the name of Mickey who owned a shipping company. They export things to other countries, one of them being Russia which for some reason was her destination. I don't know how she had these connections, but she did, and she used them to escape America, at least I'm hoping she did. There has been absolutely no sign of her since she disappeared two years ago.

So that's my plan; to travel across the U.S to California and try and find this Mickey guy. Thankfully my mother had also left me his address. Of course I burnt the letter after I read it, but I always remembered the address just in case. Now, all I need is a way there. Like I said, trains and buses are too public and obvious. If only I knew how to drive...but I don't. But...someone I know does...

Cold Blooded \\ KellicWhere stories live. Discover now