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We didn't speak any more about my step-father or Vic's brother. I didn't want to ask about what he did because then he'd ask about what I did and I didn't want to answer that. I was the last person in the world that could judge him on killing his own brother. I know things are more complicated than they seem. However, if he had killed him for no reason then that would be a whole new story. I don't know either way so I'm just going to drop it.

"I'm tired. Hotel?" He asked. It's not like I could take over driving duties, and I don't want to sleep in a small car like this where anyone could get to us, so I had to agree.

"Whatever." I mumbled. I was trying to give him the cold shoulder. He did almost get me raped after all. Bastard.

So we drove along the desolate road until we saw came across a small town. We drove along, mainly going in circles until I snapped at Vic to go somewhere different, but he just said he was scoping out the place first, finding all possible escape routes and hiding places. I have to admit, I probably wouldn't have thought about that, but I guess Vic is just the analyzing type.

It wasn't too long after that that we were pulling into a cheap-looking motel. It was only one story and there weren't many cars parked outside, plus the neon sign which was supposed to say the word "MOTEL" was only lighting up the letters 'O', 'T', and 'L'. This place looks kind of trashy, but I guess it's all we can afford right now.

"You stay here." Vic said when he turned the car off. My eyes snapped to him in a glare.

"Why?" I asked suspiciously.

"Chill, dude. Your hand is covered in blood. Do you want to give us away or something?" He asked liked I was stupid. I looked down and sure enough my right hand was covered in blood from the altercation earlier. Great, he was right. He was smart and that annoyed me, so I just grumbled and stayed put as he got out of the car and walked into the motel. While I was there by myself I decided to take a quick, well...snoop? Oh who am I kidding? I'm going through his things. I crawled into the back of the car and went straight to his bag and opened it. I was looking for weapons, mainly so I can "confiscate" them so he won't use them against me during the night.

A gun, that was the first thing I found. I unloaded it, taking all the bullets and transferring them to my bag. I wouldn't want Vic deciding I'd look better with a bullet in my head...Next I found a knife, only one. I took that too and hid it under the passenger seat. Once I was sure he had nothing else, I stopped and got back in the passenger seat just as he was walking back out of the building. I acted innocent when he opened his side and told me to get my things and follow him. I did, and followed him around the side of the building where he stopped at a door and unlocked it.

He opened the door and flicked on the light. I was actually surprised to see that it looked clean, like really clean. I guess I shouldn't always judge a book by its cover then. The other thing that got my attention was that there was only a double bed, not even like a big one, no, it wasn't queen or king sized so I could at least put a foot's distance in between us, but no, it was a small double bed.

"Really?" I was unimpressed. Vic just shrugged and walked into the room, dumping his things on the floor next to one side of the bed.

"One bed's cheaper, unless you've magically come across some money and wanna shout us a five star hotel?" He asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes, not answering him. "That's what I thought."

Ignoring his unbearable attitude, I went over to the other side of the bed and dumped my things on the floor before looking through them and finding a spare change of clothes.

"Shower." I muttered to him before leaving the room and locking myself in there. I felt dirty, really dirty. It's been an intense couple of days and all I wanted right now was to relax under a hot shower, and that's what I did for the next maybe twenty minutes, stood under the hot stream of the shower, thinking about literally nothing because I didn't want to face the fact that I'm pretty much screwed. My California plan is ridiculous, but it's all I got.

Cold Blooded \\ KellicWhere stories live. Discover now