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Oh no. Oh no, oh no. I told him I like him and he's just not saying anything. Fuck, why did I fucking do that? I'm such an idiot. I can't believe I actually like him and it's not just a little bit, it's lot. Like a lot a lot. I told myself I didn't even want to be his friend let alone actually start to fall for him.

"You what?" he asked, still a bit shocked.

"N-nothing. I didn't say anything," I said and tried to move away, but his thighs around my hips kept me in place.

"Yeah you did," he said.

"No I didn't," I snapped.

"I heard you. I know what you said, I just want you to say it again," he said.

This was absolutely torturous. Did he really want me to say it again just so he could probably tease me about it? I had a feeling he wouldn't let it go until I actually said it. What's the worst that could happen? I'm leaving him the second I get to Russia anyway.

"I...I like you, okay. I don't want to like you, but I do. Happy now, you fucking prick?! God I hate you so much sometimes," I said.

"Hate me or like me, pick one," he said, and if I wasn't mistaken there was a hint of a smile there. Yeah, he was enjoying this. My face was probably bright red by now. Fuck this. It has been so long since I've liked someone so this feels so new to me.

"Both," I said.

"I said one," he said. His upper body moved closer to me and I found myself looking from his eyes to his lips. Fuck liking him! He's such a jerk!

"Hate. I hate you," I said.

"Whatever," he muttered and kissed me. My eyes fluttered closed at his touch.

"What are you doing?" I asked against his lips.

"Kissing you," he said when he stopped kissing me. I could feel his breath on my lips and I was aching for him to kiss me again but I had one more question because I needed to know what he was thinking.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I hate you too," he said.

"I hate you more," I shot back. 1

He kissed me again, eagerly devouring my lips. He pushed me back down on the bed, being careful not to press his top half on me because of the burns. His bottom half on the other hand was grinding against me vigorously. The friction was sending a warmth throughout my entire body. I moved my hips with his needily. I was getting so turned on now.

My hands trailed under his shirt to his chest. He pulled away for a moment to take the shirt off before kissing me again. We both fumbled with each other's jeans buttons and zips before shuffling our pants down. He quickly slipped his hands into my boxers, causing me to moan. I can't remember the last time I wanted someone so much. He palmed me and I would have done the same for him if I wasn't busy shaking so much. Oh wow it felt amazing. His erection was rubbing on my thigh through his boxers and I couldn't resist touching him, no matter how much I was shaking.

"Oh God," he moaned when my hand wrapped around him. His lips were trembling against mine. He grinded himself against my hand desperately. I'm glad I'm not the only one who wants this badly.

"I can't wait any longer," he gasped.

He took my hand away from him and pinned it to the bed. He kissed me deeply before pulling away and sitting up. He got off the bed and went over to his bag on the floor.

"Boxers, take them off," he ordered.

I was in no position to argue, so I took them off and tossed them to the floor. I watched as he stood back up holding what looked like lube and of course a condom.

"Hurry up," I said. He was taking his sweet time. He grinned and slipped off his boxers before coming back over to the bed and positioning himself in between my legs.

"Do you know I've wanted to do this every single night since I met you?" he asked.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked.

"Because you would have said no," he said. I guess that was true. He wrapped his hand around my length and stroked me, "Besides, it'll mean a lot more now."

"Don't get all sappy o-on me," I said. I gasped when he ran his thumb over my tip.

"I'll do whatever I want on you," he said with a wink. I rolled my eyes at the comment.

"Then hurry up and do it!" I begged. Why is he drawing this out so much? He smirked and leant down so his face was just inches away from mine.

"I love your enthusiasm," he said.

"Shut up," I shot back.

He did just that when he pressed his lips to mine again. He was like a pro; how he prepared me, lubed himself up and slipped the condom on while his lips never left mine. It was only when he was pushing himself inside of me when he stopped to look at my face; my face which was probably contorted into a look of pleasure and wanting. Vic was smiling at me.

"Stop that," I said.

"Stop what?" he asked.

"Stop looking at me like that," I said and pulled him down to me to kiss him.

He moved in and out of me at a slow pace, and while I would usually like it faster, I was just fine with this. The way he was rolling his hips made him touch every inch inside of me, making me quiver in pleasure. Vic was moaning and honestly I loved the sound of it. I had barely noticed it the first time we had done this.

He held both of my hands, pinning them to either side of my head. He quickened his pace up a little and, I found myself moving up and down with him. Our bodies were moving in sync, having a perfect rhythm with each other's. Oh fuck, now I'm starting to sound all sappy and shit. His lips left mine again and he kissed down my neck. I was breathing so heavily and it wasn't until he bit on my neck when I let out a moan. He did it again and again, probably leaving a hickey.

"Ugh, Vic," I groaned. One of his hands left mine so he could feel my body, being careful not to touch the burns, not that I cared anyway. He caressed my thigh and pulled it up around his hip.

"A little faster," I pleaded and he did just that. The pleasure was quickly mounting and I knew this was going to be intense.

"Please tell me you're close because I can't hold out much longer," he whispered into my ear.

I just answered with a moan and bucked my hips upwards to meet his with every thrust. He wrapped his hand around my length and flicked his wrists quickly. I gripped his hand tightly and let out a little scream of ecstasy. On top of me, Vic quickened his pace and his breathing got quicker. Soon he was moaning as he climaxed and that was enough to send me over the edge at the same time as I spilled into his hand. I think it was safe to say that that was the best orgasm of my entire life.

"Wow," Vic whispered and kissed my neck then pecked me on the lips before reach over to the towel which was still on the bed and cleaned us up.

"Yeah, definitely wow," I said.

He fell onto the bed next to me and pulled me closer to him. I was feeling so tired after that, and I'm sure he was too because he said nothing else. After a few minutes I turned to look at him to see his eyes were closed and he was sleeping peacefully, like an angel, although I knew he was more like the devil. I can't believe I've fallen for him. At least I think I have. I've never felt this way with anyone before. I can't possibly imagine him not being in my life anymore. I smiled and pressed my lips to his before snuggling into his arms and falling asleep.

Cold Blooded \\ KellicWhere stories live. Discover now