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Torture? That woke me up right away. I raised my head and looked at Vic in fear. He was sitting directly across from me and mirroring my look. I knew right then and there that we were screwed. The man who last spoke, Josh, came over to me and knelt down. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my head to the side. I gasped out in pain.

"Do you really think you can kill Emily Perry and get away with it?" he sneered.

I didn't reply. I just gritted my teeth. Tonight would surely be the end of my life. I could sense it. And these two men looked like they wanted to have some fun with Vic and I.

"So, what do you think we should do first?" Josh asked the other man, Oliver.

"Something painful," Oliver practically growled.

He seemed very pissed off whereas Josh was just finding entertainment out of it. Oliver walked through the middle of the room and disappeared into darkness. It was very dark. Where the fuck are we? I heard a click and then the distinct sound of a match being lit and the next second the room was flooded with light and I could finally see properly. The room we were in was small and still kind of dark despite the light. Oliver was standing in a corner where a fire place was. It looked like an old-school kind of fire place, or ones that were used in old factories. There wasn't much else in the room except for a work bench. I looked over at Vic again. Now that I could see him better in the light I saw a couple of bruises and scratches on his face and arms. I wonder if these men did that to him or if it was a result of the car crash. I heard the sound of metal scraping and looked at Oliver again. He had picked up a fire poker and put it in the fire. I knew almost straight away what he was going to do. Fear rose in me.

"She was a nice girl, you know. She didn't deserve to die," Oliver said.

"She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time," I said.

"Kellin, quiet," Vic snapped. I guess he was right. I shouldn't say anything that could provoke them.

"Oh I wouldn't bother with being quiet. I'm about to make you scream. It's a shame Antonio wants to deal with you himself. If I had it my way I would kill you right now. Then again it might be more rewarding to watch you suffer," Oliver said. He came back towards me holding the fire poker out in front of him. The tip was glowing red. As he got closer I squirmed around in panic, trying to free myself from the ropes.

"Now now, sit still," he said.

He stopped next to me and didn't waste any time pressing the white hot metal rod against my shoulder. It burnt straight through my shirt and I could practically hear my skin sizzling.

"Ah fuck!" I cried out in pain. I tried to move away from the burning but I couldn't.

"Stop stop stop!" I screamed and he removed it. I took deep, shaky breaths, trying to focus on well, not focusing on the pain. But it hurt. Bad.

"Aw I'm sorry? Did that hurt? Josh, I think I hurt him," Oliver said in a fake, sweet, apologetic voice.

Josh just chuckled and watched on. Oliver trailed the fire poker to my chest and pressed it against me again. It burned through my shirt once more. I could feel the fabric melting into my skin. I cried out in pain again. I couldn't stand the pain. Tears pricked at my eyes but I didn't want to cry. It just hurt so much.

"Stop it! Fucking stop!" Vic shouted. The burning stopped, but of course the pain was nowhere near gone. I lifted my head to look at Vic. He looked absolutely pissed.

"Oh, so you care for him? Well I cared for Emily! Let's see how you like it when you see someone you care about being hurt and all you can do is sit and watch," Oliver said.

Cold Blooded \\ KellicWhere stories live. Discover now