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The next morning I woke up to a wet feeling on my face. My reflexes made me try to slap away whatever it was before I opened my eyes. When I opened them I almost had a heart attack and jumped back because Vic was sitting there looking over me.

"The fuck are you doing?" I groaned half asleep.

"You didn't think to have a shower before you went to sleep? You're covered in blood," he said and went dabbing at my face with a wet cloth. I went to knock his hand away again but he just kept at it. I sighed and gave up.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Better, uh, thank you for last night. You didn't have to risk your life for me, so just, thank you," he said. I wasn't used to gratitude so I didn't say anything. I just kind of shrugged. It wasn't a big deal. I wasn't going to leave him here to die.

"What happened out there anyway? Did they hurt you?" he asked.

"Uh, no. Those two men showed up at the drug store and shot the pharmacist dude but I'm sure they were aiming for me. I hid from them and then killed them," I told him simply. I didn't really want to remember just how scared I was last night.

"You killed two assassins?" he asked, clearly impressed. I nodded. I guess I did. "How?"

"Uh, one of them I stabbed in the heart. The other I injected air into with a needle," I told him.

"Hm, creative," he said with a smirk.

"I try," I said.

Vic had stopped with cleaning my face, but I knew I still needed a shower. I should have had one last night really. I looked down at myself. I was still wearing my bloody hoodie, and when I looked down at my ankle I noticed something on it. An ice pack.

"Oh yeah, I went and got some ice while you were asleep. It's already swelled up pretty bad, but I thought the ice could maybe stop it from hurting a bit," he said. Wow, that was nice and thoughtful of him. So much for cold blooded Vic. 1

"Thanks," I muttered.

"Don't worry about it. You should go shower. You're a mess," he said, tossing the wash cloth in my face and getting up. I threw it back at him with a chuckle. I wasn't in an arguing mood so I got up, almost falling down when I tried to put pressure on my ankle. Vic was at my side in a second with his arm wrapped around my waist.

"I hope you know that if we have to run again then we're pretty much screwed," he said as he led me towards the bathroom.

"Whatever, I'm sure you'd ditch me if you had to, right?" I asked light-heartedly.

I glanced at Vic but he didn't answer me. He just led me into the bathroom and over to the shower. That's strange. Usually he would have some sort of sassy comeback. I forgot about it.

"You okay by yourself?" he asked.

"I'm not incompetent," I snapped.

Vic just chuckled before he nodded and let go of me, walking out of the room. I turned the hot water on, got undressed and hopped into the shower, which was more difficult than it sounded. It was one of those showers which doubled as a bath tub so I had to jump over it. When I steadied myself I got to washing myself. My ankle was practically throbbing under the hot water. I looked down at it. It was definitely swollen but I guessed it would be back to normal in a couple of days.

I must have been daydreaming in there for a while about I don't even know what because when Vic knocked on the door I was startled. I turned too quickly towards the door and put weight on my ankle. I gasped out in pain, lost my balance and slipped over, landing in the bathtub.

Cold Blooded \\ KellicWhere stories live. Discover now