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The Kongthanin Health Care Hospital was not really that old. If you wanted an approximate time, it was establised about 35 years back by a renowned doctor who wanted a Superspecility Hospital that had the top cutting edge facilities to offer but was financed by sponsors who had more money lying in their accounts than they knew what to do with. The patients were charged with the most minimal charges possible. The combintion of these two reasons had caused the hospital's popularity among patients to escalate with admirable speed.

From the point of view of hopeful interns, it was a dream come true. The staff was comprised of doctors and surgeons that were considered either as the acknowledged gods in their special fields or as the rising stars of tomorrow. Combined with the high maintenance of standards, this hospital could boast about being one of those receiving the highest number of internship applications. Getting accepted was a huge step towards establishing a prospective doctor's career.

At the moment however, it seemed more like a nightmare than a dream to one hapeless intern who was standing in the middle of the ward looking like he was about to cry. His fellow interns standing near him could only send sympathetic glances towards him as they prayed that they would never have to stand in the line of fire like the poor fellow.

Small chance of escape though. Being assigned to this particular surgeon meant being in constant vigilance. No one had, till this date, been able to satisfy this perfectionist.

"Who are you closest to in your family Nong Prik?"

The question came from the man himself that Nong Prik was trembling in front of. The intern flinched a little at the icy tone. He opened his mouth but it seemed that his throat was clogged.

"I asked you a question."

" s-sister...sir." he stuttered in a low voice.

The surgeon pointed at the bed, "Imagine your sister lying there. And now think of a careless doctor making the same mistake as you have. Will you forgive the doctor? Will you let the matter rest?"

"N-n-no sir", the poor fellow whispered, almost breaking out in tears.

"You missed the time the drug was to be administered. And thought to make it up by administering a double dose later? Are you serious??"

Nong Prik cowered as the voice of his senior rose with every word.

"Why did you do that?"

"B-b-but sir...", Prik tried to explain himself to the angry man. His eyes were fixed on the ground and so he missed the franctic shakes of heads sent his way by the rest of his batch mates.

"I didn-n-n't act-t-tually adminis-s-ter a d-double dose. Th-there was a window of one-n hour..." he tried to continue as the others either facepalmed themselves or looked at the ceiling.

"Nong Prik. I am highly tempted to cancel your internship." barked the surgeon, "Don't tell me that you are unaware of the basic fact that medicines have a specific time period of effect on a human body. And that administering the same drug a second time before the effect of the firse dose has lessened can cause multiple complications!"

"I am sorry Dr.Phana, sir! Please forgive me." The intern really did break down this time. He fell at the feet of the man begging for forgiveness and vowing never to make the same mistake.

"Get up. I find this disgusting." Dr. Phana snapped. "Go and keep a watch on the patient's vitals for the rest of the day. You are forbidden to leave your place until I am satisfied that there are no negative consequences of your stupidity! Is that clear?"

"Y-yes sir. S-sorry sir..."

"Let's continue with the rounds everybody."

The team, by then, had been reduced to a group of young doctors who had started to wish for beds in the same ward as the patients they were supposed to check. Having the terrifying Dr.Phana as a doctor instead of their senior seemed a safer option. At least he was never vocal like this to them.

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