Chapter 2

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"Why didn't you ask me before agreeing??"

Phana winced at the highly irritated voice that belonged to the short man standing in front of him.

"Shia, Ai'Pha! That hospital is two hours drive from here. And I have two surgeries scheduled this afternoon!"

"Don't worry about them. Dr.Tanawat has already agreed to take over your surgeries. They are minor ones anyway. This hospital needed a replacement cardiovascular surgeon for today as their own fell severely ill. They have an OP scheduled which not many can manage to pull off. Just help them out. Ok?"

"Urgh. There wasn't any other hospital nearer than ours?"

"Actually, their director asked for a surgeon specially from our hospital. And I owe him a favor. So couldn't very well refuse, could I? Come on Ai'Kit. It's just for one day and you'll be back the next."

"Oh all right!", Kit gave in. "Seriously, you are overbearing sometimes. You could at least have given me some notice insted of throwing it on me out of the blue! When are the surgeries due to start?"

"They will discuss that with you as soon as you reach there. Can you start right now?"

Kit glared at his friend, "You owe me a big lunch. Understood??"

Pha nodded, smiling. "Anytime you want."

Kit frowned at Pha's face. Something felt off about his smile. It seemed more like a grimace. "What has happened?"

"What do you mean?", Pha said nervously.

"Did you upset Nong Yo again? You seem a little off today."

"N-no. I mean, yes. Yo's a little angry with me. I was supposed to get home early last night but couldn't even send him a message."

"It's that VIP patient isn't it?" Kit didn't notice Pha's hand gripping his pen a little more tightly. "How is he?"

"Er...stable for now. Nothing to worry there. You'd better hurry out Kitty, or you're going to get there late."

"Alright. I'm going already. Don't nag!" Kit said, irritated. He walked to the door and went out but not before throwing a look back at Pha with a slight frown between his eyebrows.

Pha took a breath of relief after the door closed. He picked up the receiver of his landline and dialled a number.

"He went out just now. Inform me when he leaves the hospital, will you? Be sure not to get caught."

"Don't worry. I'll make sure and let you know." Forth cut the call.

Pha went out of the office, carefully looking out for Kit in case he came back. He was just nearing the elevators when his phone rang again. "He just drove out in his car. "

"Alright." said Pha. "Come on up then."

Pha put the phone back in his pocket and took the elevator to the floor below. Entering the ICU, he found Beam checking up the charts near the bed that was surrounded by drawn curtains at the farthest corner of the ward.

Beam straightened as he saw Pha, "Is he gone?" Pha nodded. "How did you manage to do it?"

"I pulled in some favors. They gave their surgeon a day's unexpected holiday. He's not complaining. "

Beam nodded as Pha continued, "That'll give us an extra day for him in the ICU. Let's set up all the necessary equipments in one of the deluxe suites at the top floor. Kit hardly goes up there except to visit any cardio patients that he operates on. He doesn't have any up there at the moment."

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