Chapter 3

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Kit's feet took him towards the room Yo and Forth had come out of and his hand raised itself involuntarily to knock on the door before entering. He paused however, his hand still raised, to bite his lower lip and frown. Was he thinking a little bit too much about this? Pha really could be worried about a patient, Forth might actually be impatient enough to get irritated at Beam's absence. And Yo had every reason to be upset with Pha every time the great surgeon neglected the role of a good fiancé. Why should it mean that it was all connected to him?

Urgh. Kit shook his head hard and went back to his chamber. He should not overthink this. Everything could be just a coincidence.

He took off his coat, lay down on the little bed and closed his tired eyes. A moment later however, he opened them again. That nagging feeling had not yet gone. There was no obvious reason for Forth and Yo to look so shocked at his presence. And why in the world did Yo take the elevator up instead of down when he was supposed to go to his dad's office? The topmost floor comprised of deluxe rooms and suites for those who could afford a luxurious lifestyle and wished to be pampered by the entire hospital staff. Yo definitely belonged to that category, but since he wasn't a patient himself, was he visiting someone? Why did he need to lie then?

Kit heaved an irritated sigh. Damn his abnormal friends. He so needed to have a good sleep. He'll sort it out later. Pushing every thought out of his head with some effort, Kit resolutely closed his eyes and attemped to relax his body. A few minutes later he was fast asleep.

If he had entered Pha's room however, he would have beheld the friend, who was supposed to be operating, conversing with the owner of the chamber and a doctor nong, all three of them pouring over a bunch of medical reports strewn on the table before them.

They were deep in the discussion when Beam's phone vibrated. He picked it up and pressed the receive button.

"Hey Forth. Haven't you left yet?" The next moment saw him jumping up, startling the two doctors. "WHAT??", he exclaimed, "When??" He listened for a moment, then said, "Fuck. Why did you have to say that, you blockhead? What if he had come right in and seen me?? Cut the call. Let me check."

He took the phone away from his ear and dialled another number as Phana and Suthee looked on.

"Hello, Nong Fern. Is Kit back yet?" Pha stiffened at Beam's words and watched his face twist in anxiety. "When did he get back?...Where is he now?...Oh it's alright. Let him rest. I'll talk to him later." Beam cut the call and turned to the others anxiously.

"Apparently Kit came back this morning for the ward visits and ran into Forth and Yo just now right outside this room. My idiot blockhead of a fiancé panicked and blabbed that I was in the OT." He hurriedly got up.

"Go!" said Pha, " Wait! Suthee, Check if the coast is clear, will you?"

"Nobody's here P'Pha." Said Suthee, cracking open the door and looking outside.

"He must have been pretty tired. Fern said that he was in his volatile mood. Let him rest. Are we done here?"

"I think so. I'll head upstairs now to check up on him, Phi. Will you come in later?"

"I'll drop in after the surgeries. I've got to get going." Beam heaved a tired sigh. "See you later Pha." He said to his friend who was gathering up the papers.

Pha nodded. "I'll go with you Suthee. I've got to talk to Yo before I go into the OT myself." He got up to leave, then froze. "Wait..."

Beam paused with his hand on the doorknob and looked back

Pha gave him a steady look. "Fiancé?"

Beam's lips curved into a ghost of a smile. He nodded. "Yeah." He said quietly. "He proposed a couple of days back. I was hoping to celebrate with you guys but... just don't feel like it now."

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