A taste of honey

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Yours was the kiss that awoke my heart

When I awoke I found myself next to a sleeping Paul. Even sleeping he looked perfect holy mother of god!

I was more on top of him sort of my head was on his chest along with my hand and my leg wrapped with his. One of his hands on my back and the other on my bum... under the shirt. I blushed as I realized this but sorta like it so I just let it be and enjoyed the moment in Pauls arms. A few minutes later he started moving and opened his eyes, right away he noticed where his hand was a pulled away.

"Morning Paul." I said Pretending like I barely woke up too. I added a yawn at the end to make it more believable.

"Hey um uh morning soph." He said nervously.

"What's wrong Paul?"

"Oh um nothing." I looked up at him and he was blushing I just smirked to myself and got up from the bed to go change in the closet leaving a pink faced McCartney on the bed. After I walked out changed in some spare clothes I left here (since I'm always sleeping over) I found paul fast asleep again on the bed. I jumped on the bed hard. Nothing. I shoved him a few times. Nothing. I whispered in his ear, "paulie wake up." Then I felt two hands on my waist turn me over so now paul was on top of me. He just stared at me for a few seconds making my hard pound and he started leaning in, my heart started pounding even faster! I closed my eyes but to my disappointment he just started tickling me which I hated.
"Paul! Stop! Please Paul!" I laughed hysterically as I tried escaping him by rolling around in his bed. After a painful few minutes he finally stopped and dropped himself next to me while I was trying to catch my breath. I snuggled up next to him as I watched him light a cigarette. I observed him breathing in slowly and exhaling the smoke that went everywhere. I watched as his hazel eyes looked down at me so I scooted up getting closer to his eye level.

This was the moment I was going to kiss him. It's all I wanted to do for a long time now and I was going to make the first move. He put out his cigarette and smiled at me stroking my cheek with his hand. That's when I did it, I leaned in placing my lips to his soft pink perfect ones, I quickly pulled away when he didn't kiss back. Why didn't he kiss back?! My heart stopped beating for a second. What did I just do?!

"Paul I'm so sorry I- I'm gonna go." I said trying to fight back the tears in my eyes. He didn't say anything but just watched me with a shocked expression, I started getting up from his bed when I felt his hand pull me down. He got on top of me and studied my face closely then started leaning in. I can't believe it. His lips finally touched mine. Does this mean he likes me? Our lips started moving in sync. He's a really good kisser. His hand caressed my cheek . This feels really good. His tongue was picking asking for permission to enter which i gladly granted. He tasted like cigarettes. This was the feeling I had long for the action I'd hope would always happen, and now it was. I felt like I was above everything else as our tongues danced away. His hand started to unbutton the front of my dress and when he finished unbuttoning he slid his hand inside. This was the best feeling ever.

"No way!" Someone shouted from the doorway, we both jumped startled and I shoved Paul off the bed.

"What the hell mike get out!" Yelled Paul. I quickly started doing the buttons of my dress and got up fixing my hair.

"Wait till I tell dad!" Mike Laughed like a lunatic as he ran down the hall.

"Sophie I'm so sorry." Paul said with a sad expression on his face as he stood up.

"Um no Paul it's um fine I'm going to go home now."

Just like that I left. It wasn't even noon yet so I just ate breakfast and did nothing the rest of the day. The same question kept coming to my mind, did paul like me? Maybe he just felt bad because he didn't kiss me back the first time and didn't want me to cry. I explained to my mom what had happened last night with Jake but never mentioned what happened this morning with Paul.

When I was washing dishes the phone started ringing so I quickly dried my hands and walked over picking up the white phone from the stand.


"Sophie! It's Jake."

"What do you want?"

"Why so cold babe? I just wanted to ask why you left last night without telling me?"

"Well I'm sorry I didn't want to interrupt your snogging session." I could basically hear him go white on the other end.

"Sophie I'm so sorry! That was a mistake!"

"No Jake you can't just go off snogging some other girl while your girlfriend was less than 20 feet away from you and then call me like nothing happened! We are over got it?"

"No please Sophie just give me another chance! I love you it was a mistake!

"No jake it's over go make a girlfriend out of that girl from last night but not me we're through!" I hung up angrily and wished Paul was here with me right now but I probably ruined that too. I groaned in frustration when my mom walked in.

"Honey will you please get the table ready? we have guest coming over later."


"The McCartneys."

"Mhm sure thing mum."


After a couple hours there was a knock on the door. I quickly bolted up the stairs and waited outside my room to see if I could hear anything. I could hear the annoying voice of my sister as she opened the door.

"Good evening Jim, mike."

"Hey there squirt." Greeted Jim.

"Hey sally, where's your brother?"

"Simons in the living room with my dad."

"Oh alright."

"Hiiii paulllllll." I just rolled my eyes.

"Haha um hey sally."

"I got some new records wanna see 'em?"

"Uh sure."
I could hear them coming up the steps so I quickly went into my room. I looked into the mirror and made sure I looked good my hair was in place and there was not a wrinkle in my dress so that was good. I sprayed some perfume on me and made sure my room looked presentable. We have sort of thin walls between mine and my sisters room so I carefully leaned my head against the wall and listened in.

"Oh that's cool you got the new Elvis album."

"Mhmmm how's your band?"

"It's going really good y'know."

"I want to watch you boys play."

"You'll get the chance."

"Soon I hope."

He just laughed. "Uh where's your sister?"

"She's in her room."

"Ok if you don't mind I'm going to go say hello."

"Ok whatever." I could hear the annoyed tone in her voice.
I heard her door close and the footsteps approaching my room. I quickly got on my bed and started 'reading' a book.

Knock knock

"Come In!" I replied pretending to be interested in the book.

"Hey Sophie."

I looked up from my book, "Oh um hi paul."

P.S I love you~ Paul McCartney Where stories live. Discover now