Royal variety show

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these titles are getting hard to choose because there's only so many songs that describe this specific event. So I'm probably not going to do song titles anymore for the chapter title.

November 4, 1963

A few years passed by, the Boys and I stopped talking all together. I was getting ready to attend royal variety performance where I knew I would see them. They had made it big! I knew they could do it, it was John george Paul and ringo, Ringo was there new drummer. I heard them everywhere I went that's all every teenage girl would talk about. So, why am I attending this show? Well In '61 I was working as usual when a very well dressed lady came in. I gave her a haircut but felt rather uncomfortable when she kept observing me through the mirror.

"You're really pretty." She Said
"Oh um thank you."
"My name is Lillian and I work for British Vogue."
"That's amazing I love vogue."
"Well here's an offer. You look like a perfect model your features are perfect."
"Are you suggesting I become a model?"
"You got exactly what we're looking for."
I remembered the conversation I had with George years ago about me becoming a model.
"So what do you say?"
"I'll do it."

Since then I became a worldwide famous model with my face plastered across big name magazines. Because of my social/ career standing I was invited to the royal variety show. I went simple yet elegant.
The time had come, the driver opened the car and I stepped outside surrounded by the press taking pictures of my every move. I walked inside after smiling for a few photos. The show was about to start so I took my seat next to very fancy people. We all watched the performances happily and then it was finally their turn.
They played four songs in total, in their third song paul came up to the microphone to sing 'till there was you' I watched him enjoy himself on stage as he was looking around. I was proud of him I was proud of all of them. I was smiling when his eyes landed on me. His eyes widened for a second and he quickly looked away still continuing with the performance like nothing a felt my heart skip a beat when I met his hazel eyes. They finally finished and all four of them bowed. I didn't really pay attention to the rest of the performers because I was only thinking about the Fab Four especially the doe eyed boy.

I was at the after party talking to Marlene Dietrich secretly looking around for them. That's when somebody came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to find myself in front of him.
"Hello, I'm ringo Starr."
"Hello." I smiled shaking his hand.
"Hey Sophie I'm going to use the restroom." Said Marlene.
"Alright I'll see you later." I turned my attention back to ringo.
"I'm a fan of yours um your modeling is great uh Ms.jones."
"Oh please just call me sophie I enjoyed your performance too you boys are fantastic!"
"Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it."
"Hey rings who ya talking to?" Called a voice behind me. I recognized that voice as soon as I heard it. I turned around to look at him.
"Hello George."
"Sophie!" He pulled me into a tight hug.
"Geo I can't breathe." I laughed.
"Oh sorry." He let go and we turned back to a confused ringo.
"Wait you two know each other?"
"Yes we do this is the kid that would talk my food when I wasn't looking." I said while rolling my eyes and smiling.
"I'm sorry but your mum made a killer ham sandwich." He laughed.
"It's good to see ya soph."
"Good to see you too Geo."
"Do want to sit with us at our table?" He asked.
"Yes." Called another voice. "Hello I'm Marlene." She said to George .
"Hello I'm George Harrison and this is ringo Starr we're fond of your acting."
"Why thank you."
"Well let's go then shall we? I'm starving." He said taking my hand.
"When aren't you starving?" I laughed. The four of us made our way to a long table. I sat next to Marlene and George. Ringo sat across from George and that left two open seats infront of Marlene and I. They were quickly occupied by two men who looked just like George and ringo.
"Geo, rings we've been looking for ya where have ya be-" he immediately stopped talking when he saw me. His jaw dropped.
"Sophie!" John ran from his seat and gave me hug.
"Hi john." I laughed. Paul still hadnt said anything he just sat there looking at me.
"Hey Marlene, can you come with my to the powder room room"
"Oh yes." We both got up and George just looked at me.
"Um we'll be back."
We quickly made our way there inside the room.
"So how do you know the Beatles?" Marlene Asked.
"I grew up with them, except ringo. I just met him today."
"Wait you grew up with the Beatles?!"
"Yes and I haven't seen them in years!"
"What's up with Paul he looked like he saw a ghost when he saw you."
"Paul used to be my boyfriend."
"What?! For how long?"
"Almost three years."
"So why did he react like that?"
I told her the whole story about Hamburg, the letter, Christmas, the phone call etc.
"Do you still like him?"
"I don't know! I mean it's just hard to explain how I feel about him I mean it's been years since I had even seen him in person."
"That makes sense but maybe you should start with talking?"
"Yes I guess you're right. Should we go back out?" She just nodded and followed me back to the table where the Boys were sitting down chatting. They stopped when they saw us sit down.
"You two were in there for a while." Said John.
"Powdering your face takes up a lot of time." Said Marlene.
"Uh Huh are you sure Sophie wasn't telling you her life story or more like the story between her and us especially between her and paulie 'ere?"
I looked down and blushed. While they laughed. The night went on and I talked to the boys and Marlene but not paul. I exchanged numbers with George and out of the corner of my eye I can see Paul glaring at him. I finally left home. Laurie was already sleeping so I did the same it was a long night.

P.S I love you~ Paul McCartney Where stories live. Discover now