Roll on john

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Another day in the life on your way to your journey's end
Shine your light
Movin' on
You burned so bright
Roll on, John

December 13, 1980

The past days have been horrible. On December 8th we received the worst news. John was gone, I don't think any of us could process it.

I just didn't understand, he was suppose to come see us! I remember when I got the phone call. It was sometime before dawn.


Ring ring

I groaned getting up. Paul sat up rubbing his eyes.

"I'll get it." I yawned. I leaned over the nightstand  and picked up the phone.

"Hello?"  I said in a groggy voice.

"Sophie?! It's yoko!"  she said sounding distressed.

"Yoko what's wrong?"

Paul looked at me confused.

"It's John!"

"What happened? Is he with you? Can I speak to him?"

"He's dead!" She cried.

My heart stopped for a moment. I was complete shocked it took me seconds before I finally Sort of processed the words that came out of her mouth.

"W-wh- that doesn't, no. That can't be. How?!"

"He was shot."

All of the sudden I started balling my eyes out. I let the phone drop.

"Love! Love! What's wrong?!" Paul hurriedly got out of the bed and coming over to my side. He hung up the phone and pulled me into a hug.
"Sophia what's wrong?!"

"It's John!"

"John? What about John? What's wrong with John?!"  He pulled away to see my face.

"He's dead Paul! Johns gone!" His face went blank. His mouth hung slightly open he didn't say anything. Then the tears started coming down his face. He pulled me into another hug.

"Mum, dad what's wrong?" The twins asked rushing into the room.

I wiped my tears away but they wouldn't stop coming. Paul looked at the kids,
"Nothing, nothing. Go back to sleep alright?"

"But mums crying!" Exclaimed Mary.

"And so are you." Added John.


We named our boy after John. In honor of our best friend who was now gone.

He was like my older brother, one of the people I most trusted. When I was down he'd be there for me cracking a joke. Sticking up for me. Or simply giving me a hug. God his hugs were the best. I never got to say goodbye, I didn't get to tell him how much he really meant to me, I could thank him for so much. Just the thought of never hearing his voice again, never hearing him call me 'jonesy' again made me crumble. John was gone.

P.S I love you~ Paul McCartney Where stories live. Discover now