The Cloak

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Book 2: Read the 1st book first to avoid confusion.


William Del West Pov

I straightened my bloody tie knowing its was yet another tortures contraptions designed by hell itself. No doubt the very Devil I so despise had her claws in it. There was no other explanation for it. No sense to why mankind bore its suffocating clutches about their necks.

I'd be damned if I was to fall inline with the rest of xy chromosome pool to do her bidding. Not anymore. Not now that I was finally free.

I felt that unbelievable sensation of accute pleasure rush down my spine. Simply because I now had a spine. My body revelled in the joys of existing at all. It had become embarrassingly awkward those first two years when I took Sara James's gift and first decided to live. My junk would stand to attention over the slightest provocation simply because it could. It was there. The very manhood that made me... a man.

It got served well. Women appreciated it. Doing their utmost to take their pleasures of me. And I wasn't one to hold back to deny them anything. I gave as much as I received. The joys of sex had been unbound and inspiring those first five years. You could also safely conclude I had overindulged. I had been a glutton for the softness and the heat of the opposite sex. Indeed it had even gotten to the point where I had stopped even discriminating on the sex. It was simply the act of fucking that I crave. The source of my pleasures didn't mattet. Only that I had my pleasure. Lots of it. Unleashed amount of pleasure.

I shivered again in delight over my remembered past. It felt good to have memories I could return to. Up until that momentous day when my hero, Sara, saved me, I had no need for memories at all. Memories had been as much a curse as that flesh eating plague of a cloak had been.

I shuddered just thinking about it. Thirty years has passed and I knew I could put it off no longer. I have tasted all that freedom had to offer. I have indulged in the pleasures of the flesh more than enough to make even the devil envious. Indeed she had paid me a visit. One too many over the past years. Imploring, entreating and then what came more naturally to her threatening that I take back my cloak from her only living daughter.

Wanting it or not. The cloak was mine. Made for me. But it was not her who had me revising my decisions. It was Fin's visit that turned me. That sealed the deal. Fin and what he had to report. Fin and his untold truths.

But I had some untold truths myself. Truths that I was meant to share with Sara. But haven't yet.

"Mr Del West?" Tall picturesque blonde strutted forward in her clipped heels. I watched with mild amusement as she adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose then tried not to look at me directly when she spoke.

She was a revelation. In all my thirty years of finally sporting a face, I had never had this problem. The problem of someone unable to look me in the eye when she spoke to me. It was no longer fear or revulsion that made her look away. No it was desire. Denying the desire she felt for me. I was at first angry by it. I all but quaked in rage that she ... this human earthling would treat me with condescending contempt. As if she were my better. It had felt too close to how I have been treated almost since the beginning of time. But then I saw it the tell a tale subtle signs of her arousal. The subtle change to her breathing. The fine shivers that racked her frame. The husky timbre of her voice as she answered my questions. But it was the peaked nipples so acutely visible to my extraordinary vision that had been a dead giveaway. It was why I had her hired me on the spot. And the fact that those lovely nipples sat in their crowning glory above the most luscious and bountiful breasts.

I absentmindedly licked my lips now eying them lasciviously. It didn't matter that stared openly at them. He eyes were as always averted from mine. Usually downcast as they were now on whatever heap of paper she was sporting.

I sighed heavily. This was the only curse of my present existence. The tie and the papers that is. Working did not agree with me. Being couped indoors with heaps of papers was close to anything I'd call hell itself. But I had to earn a living. To fund my more risqué pursuits.

"Yes, Ms. Wainright?" I replied humbly. It always irked her when I behaved subservient to her. As if she was my dominatix. Yes, I have even tried the pleasures of BDSM from both sides of the whips. But like all earthly pleasures it had not held my interest for long. Just as robbing the bank hadn't. Nor crashing the stock market and swiping away millions. Nor had my little dabbling into the trading on the forex derivative that undoubtedly paupered a nation. No my interest in my money making schemes were as varied as my interest in food, sports and women.

Which was why my fascination with Ms Nina Wainright had me intrigued. It was the sole reason why six months later I was still at this job. A job in advertising of all things. A whim like all the others had been. If only I didn't run through my money like water and saved instead. But then where was the fun of living in that?

I was always on several different jobs at a time. My time with Ms Wainright was eight hours a day and only three exquisite days a week. Then I worked on a construction site as a very hands on builder. Building my own home no less. A mansion of all things. Just another in the string of many that I have had. And at nights I worked as a bartender whipping up fansy cocktails and picking up my daily fucks.

Life was sweet. But it could be sweeter.

"I don't think you gave me the complete Smith and Co file. The budget for this is missing," said Nina shakily. I felt the heat that had already pooled in my loins intensify. She wouldn't find it in that file for sure especially when I had purposefully left it out. I had as always orchestrated this meeting. It gave me sadistic pleasure .... and then just pleasure, in making my boss come to me.

"Its in soft copy on the network drive. Did you want it in the file? I could give it to you? If you want it?" I said innocently... suggestively. Her cool grey eyes whipped up to mine then scrambled away. I had been told my midnight blues were magnetic in their appeal. It sure didn't look that way with Ms Wainright.

"Nina?" I said huskily whipping up her attention once more by my use of her first name. There is something to be said for use of ones first name by ones would be lover. An intimacy that was arousing.

"I have a favour to request. I have an unwell family member that I have to go take care off. I will need some time off," I said this time holding her gaze hypnotically. I was not lying. After spending a near eternity with Cloak. It was only natural that I considered Cloak my family. That member of the family that was better served dead.

"Em.. yes. Sure. Okay," she mumbled softly blushing furiously. I smiled at her before reaching out to run my hand soothingly down her spine as I heard her breath hitch. I didn't want her to suffocate and my smiles were known to stop a woman's breath cold... and then some.

Afterall, I wasn't called Death for nothing.

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