Chapter 8

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Fin shook out his wings. Flexing it to rise wide and about him. His stance radiated aggression but it was nothing compared to the burning flames in his eyes. And it was all directed at ...mother.

I moved to block his threatening advances only to find tgat I could not. That I was rooted where I stood. The cloak was for the first time in league with Fin. It wanted... no craved mother's demise at Fin's hands.

I tried to scream my warnings at Fin but the cloak had me completely in its control. Its hold over me was unrelenting. William failed to react at all. I think he too wanted Fin to do mother in. As if he could. As if anyone could. God had his full fleet of armour born by lesser gods and then his children all to invoke his will and overcome evil. But evil was singular. Evil was mother.

And yet she has withstood the test of time. Fought and won battles after battles. There was no way Fin could harm even the strands of her perfect hair let alone get close enough to do her in.

What was he thinking? But he was not thinking, was he? None of them were.

Please! Please cloak! Please help me save him. I can't let him die. Not when all I have done has been to save him.

You will have your vengence. Have it in me. I vow never to take off this cloak for as long as you remain trapped in this form. I won't hoist you off to some unsuspecting. Mother will hate this. She will suffer for it. I know its not much but...

I lurched forward in uncontrolled momentum as soon as cloak released me. I knocked into Fin's advancing figure sending us both sprawling forward.

Mother's laughter was loud and hysterical. She fluttered about doing a little pirouette even in her delight over our antics. Sadistic was one of mother's better nature.

Thank you! I was bubbling with gratitude for cloak. I held Fin pinned down still. His eyes no longer burned fire but they were still black swirling orbs so I knew he was not out of the woods yet.

I thought to distract him.

"Who? Who is it that is cloak?" I shot him my question and saw that William too was keen in his answer.

"There was only one angel... not fallen angel who had remained unaccounted for from that war," said Fin finally releasing a pent up breath. He let his head drop back with a slight thud. He was no longer fighting me. So I sprang away from his horizontal form putting in as much distance between us while ensuring I remained in his path to mother.

"Archangel Gabriel Michaelangelo was said to have simply vanished one fine day. It was days after the war. His dissappearance was kept off the record. Some said he had fallen, crossed over to the dark side but that was clearly not the case. I have been feeling stronger despite my time away from heaven. The reason is now clearly apparent," said Fin smiling at me grimly. "Michael is the cloak. You have donned on not just any angel but  one of the most powerful, legendary archangels of all time."

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