Chapter 17

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"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, sure," I muttered unhappily, if you considered being slapped by a cloak as okay. Had William ever had that honour? Somehow I doubted it.

"Then why are you looking so sullen?"

"I was feeling a little hysterical is all. I am fine now." I almost spat out my response to him over that. But then he would know something was wrong and I rather keep that slap between Michael and me. It would only be a fodder for the many jokes to come. And there would be plenty... for all eternity even... and than some. Afterall, it was not everyday someone lost their virginity to a cloak.

Nope, somethings are best left unsaid ...and lost in oblivion.

But the slap had certainly proved one thing. If I could feel the sting of the slap on my non-existent cheek then I would surely feel the sting of pain from a pierced hymen. Now it was just the piercing part I doubted. Did the cloak even have the right equipment to do the deed?


My non-existent teeth rattled rather hard. It seemed the cloak...Michael...had taken an exception to that too. Boy but he was unusually sensitive today.

You know all this would be a whole lot easier if you just stopped taking an exception to everything. I mean my losing my virginity is supposed to be a special moment. I have afterall been saving it for just the right person for over three thousands years now. And the right person being a bloody garment is taking a little getting used to. So I would appreciate a little sensitivity and well... consideration.

Glad I had gotten that off my chest I huffed out a stale and musty breath and couldn't help but note that William instantly held his own. I gritted my teeth and made my decision. The sooner we get this over with the better.

Now all that left was for me to tell... Fin.

Bloody missing in action Fin!

"Will you tell Fin for me?" I asked William and his head snapped up at that.

"Fin? Haven't you told him already?" William stared at me incredulously.

I got where he was coming from afterall Fin has stood by me for thirty years now and it was his quest to dispose the cloak off me.

"I didn't intend to tell him first not if you thought it wouldn't be possible but I did go see him before I came here. Only... only he hadn't wanted to see.. me," I said brokenly. "Then there were all those angels over at his place and I knew I couldn't stay to talk to him. They were of the house of Gabriel, you see. Michael's predecessors. They were not pleased to know that Michael was my cloak or that my mother had made him so. I believed they would try tearing him off me."

I shuddered at the thought of the sheer hellish pain that would provoke. I didn't think it could be done. Fin and I had considered it before. Many times infact. Usually when his frustrations got the better of him and brute force became his only solution. Then we would fight. I just knew it could not be done. We were to enmeshed. I had nothing left but the bones I stood on. Were the coak to be pried away...

Well that did not deserve contemplating.

"You will need to go see him. Explain to him we have found a way and if he desires to know how. He could meet me at the caves. Michael and I will wait for him for today. If he knows of any reason of why this won't work he can tell me and we can discuss it. Then tomorrow....Tomorrow we will try what we have planned."

William and I stared at each other over that before he finally nodded.

I watched him rise to go get dressed and I allowed to cloak to obscure my vision before carrying me away through the mists of space and time back to our little cave.

Where I settled in to wait.

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