The end

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" what do I owe this pleasure?"

I stared in shock at the vision that was mother. She was a dragon. A freaking fire breathing dragon.

I would know. She only just tried to singe me.

"Wha.. What are you mother?"

"Why surely you have heard the legends my child? The winged beast that brew fire from within the pit of its stomach and charred the very grounds of the earth with each breath it took," said mother, inclining her head graciously as if it was a compliment to herself.

I didn't doubt that it was.

"But why are you a dragon?" I asked uncomprehendingly.


"Why ask. Why is it that you ask? Why when it is you who come here to my home.... challenging me."

I stared at her uncomprehendingly.

"I do not challenge you," I finally muttered out. "That is why I came. To tell you that I do not challenge you. I do not fight what you are or what you mean to be."

I took a deep breath ignoring the fiery siren call of hell. Of my own inner longings to revell in the pleasures from  the pain of the souls held captured within. I drew on those pain feeding on it. Unable to help my own lusts. Contradicting all I just said to mother.

She was right. Coming here had been stupid.

"I do not challenge you," I mumbled feebly already drunk from my feeding frenzy.

"I know you are as much a need to the mortal world as is heaven.... I do not fight either of you. I only wish to inform you of that."

That said I wavered on my feet drawing on the will from my memories of my passion with Michael to whisk me away from here ... to take me from hell.

I misted away as I apeared and this time went back to the caves. I needed to rejuvenate to fight the draw that was hell. I needed to ground myself before I returned to Meredith, my enslaved soul and fed on her some more.

She could not sustain me not for long. Not for much longer.

I would only want more.

Always more.

Forever more.

The greed had no end.

Not even the deepest pits of hell.

I emerged a distance away from the caves. Needing the effort to walk there to eat away at my restless anticipation for what I knew would not be there.

For whom I knew could not be there.

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