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"why did you say goodnight when you meant to saywas goodbye?"

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"why did you say goodnight when you meant to say
was goodbye?"

in which a girl says her final last words.

"then i guess i'm doing it now, hyerin—" the other words became unheard as hyerin felt a sharp pain in her head, causing her to drop her phone, jimin was on the other line, calling out for hyerin as he waited for a response.

hyerin grabbed her phone as she made her way to bed, sitting on it as she clutched the sheets tightly, "go to sleep," she bit her lip, trying to not let a groan or any other sound escape her mouth, "goodnight, jimin." she hang up.

"and when you've reached the finish line,
you can rest because you've done well."

disclaimer: this work is pure fictional and since i'm too lazy to copy paste the whole
disclaimer thing i'd stop here and you know, just go read the story already. but yeah, its all really fictional and don't believe that everything going on in this story is really happening in real life, because its not. thank you, and wow, this is such a unique disclaimer yada yada.

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