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jimin had woken up to the sound of his bickering members outside the room, though he tried to go back to sleep, it was no use due to the loud voices of the others.

"can you guys shut up? there's a member who wants to sleep in peace, you know?" jimin yelled as he walked through the chaos that was happening in the living room.

all looked at him, as jimin sat at their couch he felt almost everyone staring at him, maybe shocked since its not everyday that jimin would wake up with a bad morning.

"what?" jimin asked, quite annoyed from the staring.

jin was the first one to question about it, "what's up with you? you usually wake up all smiley and chatty." he went to jimin and sat next to him on the couch.

"i'm not on a bad mood, you're all just so noisy." he said, standing up and going to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

the others went to do their own thing, some were playing games, some were just relaxing on the couch while jimin sat silently in the kitchen, eating his cereal.

"we have dance practice tomorrow, so be ready." namjoon's voice echoed from the living room, stopping jimin from eating another spoonful of cereal.

jungkook and jin headed to jimin, seating on each side of his, "why don't you invite hyerin tomorrow to watch us?" jungkook smiled innocently.

jimin looked at jin then to jungkook, eyeing them both cautiously, having second thoughts wether he should invite her or not, "why should i do that? she might be busy?" jimin shrugged.

"c'mon jimin, it'll be fun. just ask her or
something, who knows she might not be busy." jin persuaded the younger member, signaling jungkook to do the puppy eyes.

jungkook was whispering a no but to bad since jin was older, he had no choice but to do it anyways, making his eyes bigger he turned to look at jimin, "and i really want to hang out with her more, and i know you want to as well." he attempted to act cute.

jimin looked at him with disgust, wondering with what's the sudden cute act of the youngest member, "fine, i'll go ask her." he stood up from his chair and headed to his room, hearing the cheers of the two as he walked away.

he went to his bed, grabbing his phone from his desk on the way and plopped his self on it, going through his contacts, he found hyerin and clicked on it, should i really do it? he debated with his self, ready to press the call button.

without further notice he pressed it, quite shock with his actions as well, what shocked him more was when the girl answered the call, "hello?"

he placed his phone nearer to his ear and cleared his throat, "it's me, jimin."

he didn't know why he was suddenly nervous, he was just talking to hyerin, and hyerin was just a completely normal person he met, "oh, hey its you. is there any reason you called?"

hearing hyerin's voice just gave flutters to him, he suddenly felt as if he was indeed talking to such an important person, well maybe she is.

"well i was wondering if you would want to watch our dance practice, it might be quite boring and all but you know not everyone exactly gets to watch it, wait, you don't have to be greatful, god, what am i even saying? i'm sorry if i keep on rambling —" jimin was frustrated as how he kept on saying such random words that wouldn't make sense.

"hey, its fine. i'll try, i'm not sure though." hyerin chuckled on the other line, sending butterflies to jimin's stomach, "i might have something to do but i'll really try, i promise i will."

goodnight || pjmWhere stories live. Discover now