(Chapter 4) - Liquorice Kisses

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It was a short while (that to Jervis felt like half a century) before Jonathan spoke up, Jervis could hear his the pulsing of the boy's heart and had decided it best to leave him to cool down from the excitement that had just endured. Jervis couldn't think how or why the Doctor had been in his cell and not attempting to capture them again. Perhaps he was, but Jervis doubted it, the guards hypnotised didn't make a fret about anything - then again, were they conscious enough to was the question; But nevertheless, Jervis persisted in the attempt to leave his thoughts with the Doctor and once more focus on Jonathan.

"So where are we going anyway?" Jonathan asked rather loudly as he nervously twisted his head in an attempt to see something that wasn't the white metal that currently encaged them.
"Never you mind that, my dear boy!" Jervis laughed as he continued: "I have it all perfectly under control... I hope" he whispered the last part not wanting to scare the boy after gaining the little confidence he already seemed to have.
"B-Okay" Jonathan agreed, lowering his head to look into his lap. He brought his lanky arms to sway in his lap, digging his fingernails into the exposed skin on his thighs. Jervis lowered his eyes to gaze upon a small cut visible on Jonathan's thigh, his skin looked so pale yet so beaten Jervis thought. He frowned as he envisioned someone hurting the boy, or even worse, Jonathan hurting himself. The thought alone made Jervis want to scoop Jonathan into his arms and protect him at all costs.

"Jonathan?" Jervis asked, looking into Jonathan's stary eyes as he looked up to match Jervis's gaze
"Yes...?" Jonathan answered, his tone suspecting Jervis that the boy was immensely tired, then again, who wouldn't be after their breakout Jervis thought.
"I want to ask, but you do not need to tell the tale. Might you speak of how you got those nasty cuts?" Jervis smiled sympathetically hoping that alone would cause Jonathan to tell him - He knew it wasn't important for him to know and it certainly didn't affect his opinion of Jonathan, but he felt that if he knew he could somehow help him. Perhaps even love him more.
"I- I was taken from the canteen-" Jervis noticed Jonathan's body shudder as if a delicate piece of glass had just shattered inside him "The Doctor led me through Arkham.. he...h-" Jonathan's eyes began to water, he let out a faint weep before Jervis extended a long arm over the boy's shoulder. Jonathan soon rested his head on Jonathan's shoulder and looked up at the roof of the van.

"Do you think we'll be free for long, Jervis?"
"Well, I do think that indeed, but then again, as long as I am with you, I am always free, Mr Crane" Jervis smiled, resting a hand in Jonathan's hair and softly playing with a small strand which was poking up. Jonathan blushed deeply and tried hiding it with a not so discreet turn of his head. "Aw, how cute. Though, please do allow me to comfort you more" Jervis smirked as he rested his arms around Jonathan's waist and tried pulling him into his lap, Jonathan simply stared at Jervis in confusion as he did so, he whimpered out a slight concern before Jervis silenced him with a gentle kiss to the lips. "I must say, you look adorable in this position!" Jervis sang as he wrapped Jonathan's arms around his neck.
"I-" Jonathan muttered under his breath, resting his head against Jervis's chest.
"No, shh. Now is not the time for you to speak, but for sleep!" Jervis resumed playing with the boy's hair, every so often running a hand down Jonathan's back.
"I'm not tired" Jonathan yawned, his eyes drooping shut with every passing moment. Jervis chuckled, the vibrations causing Jonathan to stir slightly.
"You're even cuter when you're lying it seems, Mr Crane" He smiled widely looking down at the boy with nothing but the highest admiration. Whilst it was true he didn't know what he had done to deserve this, to deserve Jonathan, he certainly wouldn't complain. What he knew is that he had done something right for once and he couldn't be happier about it.

"Mr Crane?" Jervis whispered, looking down at Jonathan to check if he had fallen asleep or not. His suspicion was soon proven to be true when he let out a short breath of air and cuddled closer to Jervis, wedging his body as close as it could get to the man and wrapping his legs around Jervis's waist - with a bit of help from Jervis of course. Perhaps after seeing this, he should really invest in a larger bed. He did have a couch he originally expected Jonathan to take up if he wanted to stay with him, but after seeing how Jonathan likes to sleep, Jervis knew that was not an option he wanted at least.

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