(Chapter 6) - Insolence

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Jervis rolled over elongating a sigh. He hasn't been sleeping well these past few nights. Between Jonathan's night mumbling and the occasional nightmare which required Jervis, though forced would be a more accurate term, to smother the boy with comfort in an attempt to calm him. This night Jonathan seemed to be showing a prime example of this; He never would mumble loud enough for Jervis to quite catch what he was saying, however. This annoyed the man. If he was to be ripped away from sleep, he would have preferred at least knowing why.

On the bright side, Jonathan had opened up a small bit on his plan, though only when Jervis regrettably had a small outburst of anger. Jonathan didn't seem to mind though, in fact, he seemed to enjoy it. This didn't surprise Jervis that much though, the boy did appear to be 'that type' when it came to it. The memory of their night sent small vibrations through his body as he flicked a finger into his underwear, carefully lowering his waistband trying not to wake Jonathan from his slumber.

As Jervis slid his hand around the base of his member, he tightened the grip around it. He worked his hand around his length in pace with the pulsing of his veins. As his cock hardened, he decided to risk an easy task. With his other hand, he gently grazed Jonathan's cheek. His fingers rubbed against the boy's lips, softly prodding into the smooth skin. He edged himself closer to the boy as he felt himself become closer. In truth, he wasn't particularly horny this evening. Jervis had problems with getting to sleep, so this was his way. He would release usually with a hand touching or rubbing when he was feeling it, the boy somewhere. Anywhere would do. It was the sense of innocence Jervis liked to taint more than anything.

As he released into a tissue (so that Jonathan never suspected him, of course) he dispossessed of it before swiftly returning to bed. His legs happily flunked back into position as he wrapped an arm around Jonathan. His felt his mind slowly falling to sleep as his breath rested too. It was a nice feeling Jerivs thought. The warmth of Jonathan's exposed skin heating the man's cold chest as he slept. He could only hope he would dream once more about their small 'adventure.'

The moonlit up the path the two men followed. The stars becoming almost like beacons of hope to them, of course, nothing had gone wrong just yet on their mission that Jervis still knew nothing about. But it was only a matter of time thought Jervis. How could he help when he knew nothing of the plan? Was it that the boy didn't trust him? Surely not, Jervis thought; Considering the events of a few days ago that would be merely ludicrous. Jonathan hadn't shown any signs of distrust, but what if he did and Jervis just didn't pick up on it? The overbearing tension began to cause thick beads of sweat to drip cruelly from the man's recently shaven face.

"We're almost there" Jonathan whispered as he crawled his way past the entrance of Ace Chemical's security gate. As Jervis ducked under the window with Jonathan, he heard the guard's exasperating snores coming through the small hole in the window. Though this didn't affect them much, they were, after all, trying to avoid the cameras more. Even if Jervis didn't quite know the plan, it didn't take much to understand they were here to take something. 

"Please, won't you just tell me the plan, Mr Crane?" Jervis pleaded again. He thought if he asked enough Jonathan might just break and tell him all he needed to know. Not knowing something, however small it may be, caused Jervis's skin to itch. Not literally, obviously, but the feeling of not knowing something just angered the man so much. Whether it was being left out of the loop or the feeling of self-doubt and isolation in a plan, Jervis didn't know. But what he did know was that if Jonathan didn't tell him soon he would consider not helping the boy, after all, why would he help when he didn't know what his role was?

"No." Jonathan sighed loudly as he walked up to a large side door and poked a short wire into the lock picking at it.
"But why?" Jervis asked feeling his eyebrows dip alongside his patience.
"Because it's my plan" Jonathan snapped back as he cranked the door ajar slipping into the compound. Jervis followed in feeling the anger rise to his head. He didn't want to force the boy to tell him through hypnosis he wanted the sanctification of knowing Jonathan trusted him enough to tell him. "If you don't like it, then wait outside. But I need your help, Jervis" Jonathan continued.
"My help with what though!" 
"You'll find out when the time comes!" Jonathan groaned loudly trying his very best to stay quiet. 
"But how can I help when I don't know what it is I'm meant to do?" Jervis inquired. As he looked up, he saw Jonathan's eyes look him up and down in a fit of rage. " Oh, please don't be angry with me, Jonathan. It was merely a question" Jervis added quickly. 
"Then stop asking me the same question," Jonathan said through hard breaths of annoyance. 

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