Gay Corner

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After the playground adventure everybody left to do their own thing which was perfect for Jisung and I. We usually hang out at this place we call 'gay corner', it's on his apartment's rooftop and you can see the whole city from up there. We usually talk about relationships there that's why we named it gay corner. Also, another thing we do is that instead of tea we spill orange juice. Don't say we are weird.... we are just special in our own ways.

Before getting to the juice talk lemme explain my past with Jisung. So around a year ago I started having feelings for him which got stronger with time. I confessed to him but didn't get a verbal response. He told me later he didn't want to hurt my feelings by rejecting me so he just hugged me. At first I didn't know what to think so I just ignored him for a short while. I soon realized that he will never return my feelings so I ignored him for a month. Bitchy move I know and I'm certainly not proud of it. After not talking to him for 1 month I apologized and decided to stay as friends. That little incident made our friendship even stronger. I'm very thankful that he didn't turn away from me when I needed him the most.

After we became friends again I thought that it would be weird to talk about relationships. However it wasn't weird at all, it was like my feelings for him disappeared within time. Maybe I was rushing with confessing...

So when we arrived to the rooftop we went to the couch we placed there. Next to it was a fridge which was full of.... you can guess what....

A small table was also placed by the couch. We sometimes put the laptop on it or the glasses of orange juice. This time it was the juice.

"So who should start first?" he asked. "You, because I started last time." I immediately responded. He sighed in defeat and nervously chuckled. "Ooookay...." I was way too familiar with that tone. "Oh god what did you do?"

"Correction, What did WE do.." he blushed. Reality soon hit me and it wasn't pleasant lemme tell you. "You had sex with Minho?!" my eyes went vide as saying the sentence. It sounded even weirder out loud. "Come on Lix, I've been dating him for 5 months and I'm not 12, I can make my own decisions." he whined like a 12 year old. "Jeez calm down. I wasn't made at ya, I was just surprised. Wait I gotta ask a question..." I smirked.

"What are you thinking Lee Felix?" he looked at me nervously. "Did he top you?" I said while smirking. "Why did I know that you'd ask that?" he rubbed his temples. "Because you know me too well, now answer my damn question." I said impatiently.

"Yes he topped me. Are ya happy now?" he blushed. "Very much. I won't ask for details because you already look like a tomato but we will continue this conversation some day." I smirked as I patted his shoulder. Poor thing is so embarrassed.

"It's your turn now. Spill the juice." he took a sip from his orange juice. "Okay so... But first promise not to tell anyone." I switched to a serious tone. "Dude, everything that we talk about here stays as a secret." he smiled at me. "Okay so in a nutshell.... I have a huge crush on someone who is definitely straight." I started. He nodded, gesturing me to keep going. "Also I've been noticing that I think about him 24/7. Most of the time just being together but sometimes..... I think about stuff I shouldn't be thinking about." I finished my speech.

"How are you so sure that he's straight?" he had a skeptical look. "Well he tells me when he likes a girl and he's never shown any signs of being a bi or gay." he nodded, not wanting to ask too many questions. That's what I love about him, he never pushes anything, he respects my and the others privacy.

"Can I know his name?" he looked at me. He looked a but uneasy but I reassured him. "Yes... it's Changbin." I took a deep breath before saying his name. "Don't take this personal but it was very obvious. I mean you guys are hanging out 24/7 and the way you look at him also speaks for you." I mean he wasn't wrong. We indeed did spend a lot of time together and sometimes but really just sometimes I stare a tiny bit at his beautiful facial features.

"Okay so what do I do then?" I asked while looking at him. "Hmm, maybe try hinting at it and spend more time with him than usual. Be more touchy, see how he reacts." He explained. I swear this kid is good at relationships. "Thanks Hyung." I hugged him."Don't call me Hyung, I'm literally one day older than you." He playfully rolled his eyes.

We talked some more, mostly Jisung bragging about Minho. However his words kept me thinking, what if I have a chance with him?

That would be too good to be true right?

The gay corner is real...

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