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Hello everyone it's me again, Felix.

After the gay corner talk I slept at Jisung's. It's not the first time don't worry. So I was peacefully dreaming about cuddling my baby Binnien when I got waken up by..... the one and only Han Jisung himself. Great, just great.

"Wake up lover boy!!!" he basically yelled in my face. "Han fucking Jisung get out of my face before I cut your balls off." I said in a very calm tone.

"Okay but seriously, get up it's already 11 pm." he sat down on my bed. Yeah I have my own room here if you ask. "Okay but get out of my bed." I groaned as I got up. I lazily put some clothes on and went to the kitchen where Jisung was feeding Minho's cats.

"Want some coffee?" he asked. "Yes please, I feel like a zombie." Did I mention that we went to sleep at 3 am? Okay now you know.

Jisung made some pancakes for breakfast which I gladly accepted. He's surprisingly good at cooking. "Hey Lix?" he suddenly turned to me. "Yeah?" I turned to him. "Minho just texted me, he wants us to go to his cousin's place cause they are on a road trip right now. We would have the place to ourselves." he looked at me if he was asking for permission. "Sounds fun, when are we going?" I asked.

"This afternoon." he said calmly. "What?! I need to pack!!" I yelled as I grabbed my keys and phone. Luckily I live just across the street so I don't have to walk long. "I will pick you up at 4." he shouted after me.

When I finally arrived to my place I ran to my bedroom, ignoring my sister. She's already used to me rushing everywhere. As soon as I got to my room I grabbed the nearest suitcase and threw some random clothes in. Before you start asking why am I hurrying so much when I have plenty of time to pack, I'm very very slow especially at packing clothes.

When I packed everything it was already 3:50. Jisung will be here soon. I decided to go to my sisters room and explain the situation. "Hi sis!" I greeted her. She smiled at me and hugged me. "What's up Lix? Why were you in such a hurry?"

"Well Jisung told me today that we will go to his cousin's house for god knows how long." I explained casually like it was the most normal thing to do. "Okay have fun then. Remember don't do drugs and use protection." she said before I left her room. For some odd reason I knew she would say that.

The doorbell suddenly rang and I went to open it. For my luck Changbin was standing in the doorway with that angelic smile of his. "Hi Lixie. Ready to go?" he asked with that voice I could wake up to every day. "Yeah I think I have everything." I looked around, checking not to leave something behind. "Perfect, We will go with Chan and Jeongin but the baby has already claimed the front seat." he said as we were walking to Chan's white BMW. Did I say that the kid was rich?

"Hello fellas, ready to go?" he asked. We both nodded and got in the car. "Buckle up kids cause it's gonna be a long ass ride." nobody laughed at that sad attempt of a joke so he just started driving.

After some 2 hours of driving we realized he wasn't kidding. It was a long ass ride and a boring one as well. Luckily I brought my earphones so I started listening to some Twice. I didn't even realize that I was slowly falling asleep until I felt some weight on my shoulder. I opned my eyes and I was met with a bunch of black hair.

When I realized who that person was I nearly got a heart attack and went to panicked gay mode. I wouldn't freak out if just his head was on my shoulder but he was fucking burying his face in my shoulder. Wait.... What is he doing?

Wow.... he's hugging me in his sleep.... Great, I don't know what to do. I saw from the mirror that Chan was smirking like an idiot. Btw he also knows my little secret. I gave him a deadly look before I gently put my hand around the sleeping boy's waist. Confident gay mode activated.

That small action of mine caused Changbin to snuggle even more in to the crook of my neck. I was just sitting there, holding Changbin like it was the most normal thing to do while rethinking my life decisions. Soon I got tired from thinking so much so I went sleep. My head was resting on his and I could hear Jeongin taking a pic but didn't care about it.

I hope that we arrive soon cause if not I will die from uwuing so much...

Every time I hear/say/write the word uwu I think about readerishere0 🌝❤️

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