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So after that very interesting car ride we finally arrived to our destination. When I woke up Changbin was already awake, playing on his phone... sitting as far from me as possible. Well my poor heart hurts now... rip me.

So anyways when we arrived we packed out our things and went to the living room. We were the last as usual so everyone was waiting for us. "Took you guys long enough." Woojin said. "We were caught up in traffic." Chan responded. "Okay so we need to agree on the rooms." Minho suddenly spoke up. 

"It's quite obvious that Minsung will share a room." I said as looking at the pair. Jisung just smiled at me while Minho was smirking. Wonder why... So after some arguing we decided to let fate decide the rooms. We wrote our names on a piece of paper and put it in a hat.

"Okay are you guys ready?" Chan asked. We all nodded, me being nervous as usual. A little part of me was hoping to be in the same room as Changbin but I was also terrified. Oh god these emotions are killing me. "First name is.....Hyunjin." everyone looked at the said male who was just smiling as usual. "Hyunjin should be with Seungmin Hyung." Jeongin spoke next. "I don't mind." Seungmin replied. "Neither do I" Hyunjin grabbed his bags and started heading to the said room with his new roomie.

We continued the name picking, Chan ended up in sharing a room with his favorite maknae, Jeongin. The last names in the hat were Woojin's, Changbin's and mine. Why did I have a feeling that I will get in the same room as Changbin? Oh god I'm actually pretty good at predicting things so..... I'm fucked again.

"So whoever's name I will pull now will get to have his own room." Chan explained to us. Changbin seemed pretty unbothered as usual. "Okay, the lucky name is..... Woojin you got your own room." I sighed in defeat. Well this week will sure be interesting.

"Yay Lix, we will be room buddies!" he cutely said as he ran upstairs to 'our' room. I followed behind him, not as excited as him. The room was actually pretty big but there was a slight problem.... it had only one queen sized bed. Fuck my life part 6578. 

"Well I wasn't expecting that." I said. Changbin just looked at me smiling. "It's okay Lixie. We can share." he is too innocent I swear. "Yeah..." I sounded sooo unsure but he didn't notice it. "I hope that Minsung's walls are soundproof though." I said bit a more stern voice. "Why?" okay he can't be that innocent. "Pretend I didn't say that." I quickly said not to ruin his innocence. "Sure Lix. It's already midnight so I think that the others are already sleeping. Would you like to watch a movie or something? Pleaseeee." he asked with big puppy eyes. I mean, I was pretty tired but how can you say no to that face?

"Sure, what would you like to watch?" I asked as I grabbed my laptop

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"Sure, what would you like to watch?" I asked as I grabbed my laptop. "Hmm, maybe Avengers Endgame?" When I first saw Infinity War I was crying like a baby so watching Endgame sure did seem like a good idea. "Endgame is it then." I smiled to him which he returned. Soon the movie started. After 30 minutes of watching Changbin snuggled up to me which gave me a slight heart attack. Eventually I got used to the warm feeling that ran through my whole body.

As expected I started crying at the sad parts but I won't spoiler you guys. "Awee poor baby Lixie is crying." Changbin squished my cheeks. "Stooop Binnie." I whined like a 5 year old. He just chuckled at that and went back to watching the movie. 

It soon got to the end and I closed my laptop. When I looked at Changbin he was fast asleep. Good thing that he was already in his pj's. I laid down next to him and switched the lights off. The bad thing was that I couldn't fall asleep. My mind was racing like crazy, thinking about the sleeping boy next to me.

My feelings for him are getting even stronger. It's so much more different from Jisung. I've never felt this way when I was around him. However I'm pretty sure that Changbin is straight so I have to keep these feelings to myself. 

I just hope that I won't screw everything up like last time...


A short and boring chapter for ya'll. I swear the next chapter will be more event filled....let's just say that....

Anyways lot's of love 

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