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Hello people who decided to read this story of my very interesting life...

So my name is Lee Felix....but I think you already know that.

Okay I don't really know what to say anymore so let's just get started okay mate?

Before everything else I would like to describe my life to you. So my family and I are pretty close.... correct that, were close until they've found out that their son was in love with a boy. You will find out why in the future chapters. While my parents basically disowned me, my sister stayed by my side. I'm very thankful that I have her in my life, without her I wouldn't have survived my father's beatings...

When I was struggling with my parents my 8 friends were there for me as well. You will get to know them very well. Just so you're not confused I will introduce them in a nutshell. So we have Chan, Woojin, Minho, Hyunjin, Jisung, Seungmin, Jeongin and Changbin..... That was the introduction.

Right know I'm heading to the park to meet them. They have a weird obsession with children's playground so we are meeting there. I don't think you wanna see when 9 grown up idiot invades a playground.... I was walking to the said destination while sipping some iced coffee when I saw a dog.... but not any kind... a freaking dalmatian. Let me quickly tell you that I'm obsessed with those dogs so please excuse my uwu attack.

I ran to the dog's owner and asked if I could pet that beautiful piece of god's work. He smiled at me and nodded. He was around the same age as me and he had a cute eye-smile. "He seems to like you." he said. He had a deep voice but not as deep as mine. "He's adorable. What's his name?" I asked while petting the black and white dog. "His name Treasure. What's your name?" he asked as he looked at me. "My name is Lee Felix." I shook his hand. He was much taller than me. "Nice to meet you Felix, I'm Mingi." (I'm unable to not to include ateez)

"Nice to meet you too, I'd like to stay more but 8 idiots who I call friends are waiting for me on a playground." I pet Treasure one last time and waved at Mingi. He said goodbye and left with the dalmatian.

When I reached the playground everyone was there. It looks like I'm the last. "Hello guys!" I greeted them. "You're 10 minutes late Felix. What took you so long?" Chan scoffed. I swear to god he overreacts every single thing. "I met a guy who had a dalmatian and I talked to him." I said casually. They just rolled their eyes at me. "Why don't you just buy yourself one if you are that obsessed with that Disney dog?" Seungmin said. "So that you can ask more questions." I talked back with a sassy tone. Don't worry guys we don't hate each other with Seungmin, we just have a love-hate relationship. We annoy the hell out of each other but that doesn't change the fact that we are best friends.

"I will buy you one for your birthday." Hyunjin said. I smiled at him and hugged him. "Thanks Hyung." he hugged me back. "uwu." he said. Btw he has a thing with the word uwu. "uwu more." So do I...

"Can you guys stop being so cute and get going." Minho said with a disgusted look on his face. "Shut up Minho or I will kidnap your cats." I released Hyunjin from my grip. "You wouldn't..." he was on the verge of exploding like a volcano. So I teased him more. Good idea Lix...

"You can bet their fluffy ass." that was the breaking point for him. He lunged at me but got held back by his boyfriend Jisung. "GET BACK HERE YOU DISRESPECTFUL SON OF JOFFREY BARATHEON!" he yelled while I was laughing my ass off. (got fans where ya'll at?)

" I can't bre-breath." I said while I was crying from laughter. "I WILL CHOKE YOU WITH JOHNNY'S HAIR FROM WAKEY-WAKEY!" (I don't even know what I'm writing at this point anymore....)

"Okay Minho please calm down 'cause Felix will really choke from laughing so much." Chan rubbed his temples. We are stressing him out so much. "Okay... Minho... I'm sorry, I won't kidnap your cats." I said between deep breaths but couldn't help it and started laughing again.

"I hate you." he said but a small smile still could be visible on his face. So after that scene we entered the playground and started playing with everything. Jeongin and Seungmin were busy sliding down the slide. Hyunjin was doing some parkour shit with Minsung. Chan and Woojin were... oh lord help those kids... I don't even know how to explain it so here's a pic:

 I don't even know how to explain it so here's a pic:

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I'm not questioning them anymore...

So I left them to do their thing in peace. I walked to one of the bigger swings and started swinging while being lost in my not so happy thoughts. However those thoughts soon disappeared when a way too familiar voice called out my name. "Hey Lix, wanna hang out while the others are high on playground air?" he asked with that angelic voice. I turned to him with a bright smile. "Sure Binnie." he sat down next to me. My heart instantly started racing. You may ask why... The answer to that is very simple and obvious.

I'm in love with Changbin....


First chapter lovely children of mosquito noises...

I hope you liked it.

My Treasure / ChanglixWhere stories live. Discover now