Pool party thingie

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After Chan announced the news everyone went up to their rooms. I also stood up from the table, Changbin following behind. I figured the others would sleep so I decided to watch some Monsta X videos on my phone. I didn't notice Changbin coming in or him laying down next to me.

"I'm boreeeed." he whined like the big baby he truly is. I turned to him, removing my earphones. "So what would you like to do?" I asked him. "Hmmmm, we should go explore the neighborhood." he looked at me with his puppy brown eyes.

"Sure let's go, I'm also bored." We got up and exited our room. We were on the top floor so we had to be quite in case anybody was sleeping. That plan was soon ruined because Changbin hit his foot in the edge of the cabinet. He knocked one of the vases down which broke to pieces. He looked at me with wide eyes but only one word escaped my mouth. "RUN!"

We ran down the stairs and out of the door. "We will be back in an hour or two!" I yelled before closing the door. Neither of us wanted to face and angry Woojin for breaking the so called "precious" vase.

"That was a close one." Changbin breathed out. I nodded while catching my breath. "Let's go explore."


"We're back ya'll!" I shouted, completely forgetting that the others could be sleeping. Changbin looked around and soon we were greeted with a smiling Hyunjin. "Hey guys where were you?" he asked.

"We explored the neighborhood." I answered. "So what did you find?" he asked again. "Nothing much, just a nice ice cream shop where Changbin started screaming 'ICE CREAAAM' so yeah." We laughed at how embarrassed Changbin was after I exposed him.

"By the way, the guys are all sleeping now, I suggest you do the same." and with that he left us. "Okay let's go Lix." Changbin said while heading to our room.

After some hours

I woke up to my alarm ringing. It was currently 9 pm, Chan said that we'd leave at 10. After I put my phone down I was greeted with a Changbin who was clinging to me like a big koala. He lazily opened his eyes and smiled. "What time is it Lix?" he asked with tired eyes "It's currently 9 pm, wanna start getting ready?" I asked as I got up. "Sure."

"So what would you like to wear?" he asked as he got up. "Well it's a pool party so nothing fancy." I said. He nodded before walking to the closet. I suddenly got an idea and gently pushed him away from the closet. "Lemme chose and outfit for ya." I said while looking at him with big, pleading eyes. "Okay but I'm not wearing pink or anything like that. I like dark." he said and I just laughed. No one but me knew about him sleeping with a soft plushie. 

I picked out some black swimming trunks for him with a matching black shirt. He insisted on wearing a white one I had to go with this one. As for me I was wearing blue and white. "Ready to go?" I asked. "Yeah let's collect the others."

We went down to the living room where Minsung was basically sucking each other's faces off. I covered Changbin's eyes with one of my hands while closing mine. "If you guys are finished then please come to the kitchen. AND PLS DON'T DO IT IN THE LIVING ROOM!" I yelled as I walked away with Changbin. 

Luckily the kitchen was much more peaceful. Jeongin and Chan was being all uwu with each other as usual. Woojin was making tea for Seungmin who seemed a bit sick. Hyunjin was drawing circles on his back. "What's wrong Min?" I asked as I sat down next to him. "He said that his throat really hurts." Hyunjin answered for him. "I don't think that I will be able to come." he said quietly. "We don't want to leave you all alone." Chan said. He stopped clinging to Jeongin and gave the cup of tea to Seungmin. "I will stay with him, I don't feel like swimming anyway." Hyunjin offered. "Sure? I can stay if you'd like to go." Woojin turned to us. "It's okay, you guys go have fun. We will watch some kdramas with Minnie while ya'll get yourselves drunk." he laughed. 

Soon Minsung came out of the living room, hair messy and lips swollen. "Did you..." Chan started before I answered. "Yeah they did, I caught them with Binnie." I said. Jisung seemed a bit embarrassed while Minho was smirking. "Okay let's go cause I don't wanna hear more about Minsung being gross." Woojin said. Everyone followed him to the main entrance.

"Goodbye guys, Hyunjin pls take care of Seungmin." Chan said before closing the door. We started walking to the waterpark which apparently was just 10 minutes away. Jeongin seemed very excited which made Chan very happy. I swear those two should just marry already. Woojin was leading us to the park where Chan's friends were waiting us. Minsung were holding hands while whispering stuff to each other I honestly don't want to know. I decided to start a conversation with my Binnie instead. "So do you know any of Chan's friends?" I asked. "Yeah I know one of them, his name is Wooyoung." he said.

Shortly we arrived to the destination. It was a huge park indeed, filled with various slides and pools. "Let's try that one, or no that one oh look at that big slide!" Jeongin was freaking out while Chan was having the time of his life. "Don't worry Innie, we will try out everything." he smiled which revealed his dimples.  "You guys can go try out everything, I will stay with the kid. The party starts at 12 so you have plenty of time to have fun before getting drunk." Oh god he knows us too well. We all nodded and started to explore the huge water park, Changbin by my side.

"What should we try out first?" Changbin asked impatiently. "Whatever you'd like." I answered. He ran to the first slide, throwing his shirt on a bench. I laughed to myself and followed him. "C'mon Lix!" he urged me. I also took my shirt off and started climbing up the stairs to the huge slide. 

We basically tried everything out and before we knew it, it was 11:50. "We should head back to the others." I said. Changbin nodded and we started walking back to the gang. During the walk I couldn't help but catch glances of Changbin's abs. I was right about him having abs. I tried to ignore it while we were using the slides and stuff but still, it was nearly impossible to keep my eyes away. After my staring session ended I realized that we have arrived to the others. Jeongin's hair was wet and he had the biggest smile on his face, Chan looked just as happy and Woojin looked a bit tired. 

"Did you try out everything?" Chan asked smiling. "Yeah I think so, where's Minsung?" I asked. "They are already having fun but not like that." Woojin said. "C'mon you should meet the others." he said and started heading to the indoor pools. 

We walked in and music was already playing. Minsung was talking to some of Chan's friends. "Lemme introduce you to them." Chan said as he walked to a short guy with red hair. "Hello my name is Kim Hongjoong, nice to meet you all." he said. "Guys come here we have quests!" he yelled.

"So they are my friends, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Wooyoung, Jongho and Mingi." he introduced his friends. I instantly recognized the owner of the cute dog and went to him. "Hello Mingi! I didn't know you knew Chan." I said. He smiled and shook my hand. "Nice to see you again." he said. 

"You two already know each other?" Changbin asked. "Yeah we met in the park." I answered. "Oh okay, now let's have some more fun cause the party's just getting started!" by that yell I could already figure out that Changbin was drunk. He has a low alcohol tolerance. 

This night will sure be interesting...


Don't u just love when ur so depressed that u can't even focus on ur books?

Yeah I love that feeling too....

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