Chapter 1

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"I thought I told you to get 100% on that assignment!" He grabs my backpack and pulls with as much force as possible to make me fall backward towards him and the floor. He and his three lackeys laugh at that.

Chad is the stereotypical jock, using force and good looks to get whatever he wants. All I wanted to do was get to my next class and now I have to deal with this.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" He picks me up by my backpack, turns me around, and slams me against the wall with a hand on each of my shoulders. I wish I knew why he started doing this in our sophomore year. I was never a very talkative person so I didn't bother him or anyone else at all. I doubt the thought I had of him being jealous of my academic achievements since he's the most popular person in school because of the sports he plays. Before high school, he probably had someone else to do his work for him since this school is pretty hard to get accepted into.

"Answer me, chowderhead!" Chad is a senior in high school, just like me. Between the two of us, the difference is massive. He has naturally blonde hair with blue eyes. At 6' 3", he is athletically built which helps him be the best player on both the basketball and soccer team. My natural hair and eye color are brown. At 5' 9", I am one of the more average smart kids in school. I don't even get straight A's on any of my report cards, there is always at least one B. Being smart doesn't mean I am a small scrawny kid however, I have enough muscle and weight to look like a normal young adult, but with Chad, I'm basically just a piece of trash he can throw away.

"It wouldn't make any sense if you received that good of grades when you don't do any of the work for yourself or even pay attention in class." His face fills with anger and he pulls back one of his hands to make a fist. I had given up trying to resist after a few months of the same treatment so I simply wait for the inevitable to happen.

*Ring* Saved by the bell. I love these kinds of days, the ones where I don't get picked on as much as the others. "You're lucky we have to get to class. Don't be too late, you still have more assignments to do for me." He lets go of me completely and leaves to his next class with his three henchmen close behind. I'm very glad I'm not in more than one class with him and his children.

I make sure my backpack hadn't broken or ripped from the impact on the wall or the group and start jogging down the hall to my original destination. Upon arrival at the classroom, I open the door and try to sneak to my seat. Unfortunately, that feat is very much impossible to do when the subject is English literature and all we've been doing is reading and analyzing a book. "You're late again Mr. Jacobs, meet me after class." The woman is probably older than my grandmother with hazel eyes and wholly white hair down to her mid-back.

"Yes, Mrs. Olives." This is not the first time I've been late because of that guy and most likely will not be the last. I sit down and take a glance over to Beck, an amber-eyed beauty with black shoulder-length hair, who is my ex-best friend and somehow in every single one of my classes. I haven't gotten the courage to speak to her since the time I gave up resisting Chad. I just one day started to ignore her. It probably hurt both of us equally or maybe more towards one side or the other but it was better this way. She wouldn't have to be troubled by someone so weak, helpless and undignified and I wouldn't have anyone to worry about me. She looks towards me and I quickly unpack the book we should be reading to avert my gaze.

After several looks towards Beck and a lot of reading, class passes successfully and by the time the bell rings for school to be over for the day, everyone is restless. I pack all my things into my backpack while everyone else leaves and I reluctantly head to the front of the room where Mrs. Olives is waiting for me. "Mr. Jacobs, I've lost count how many times you've been tardy to my class. Is there something I need to be worrying about? Feel free to tell me if anything is wrong."

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