Chapter 9

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"She's a thief?" When I raised my head and yelled, Lucy stopped stroking me and leaned over to look at my face. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you? I'm sorry if I did." She really doesn't seem that bad but everyone has a side to them that they don't normally let other people see. I lay my head back down and try to enjoy the small bit of joy that her petting gives me.

I don't know when it happened, but at some point, I fell asleep. I would like to blame it on my body still trying to create and circulate new blood, but if I'm being honest, it must've been the massage that was Lucy's petting. I find myself still on her lap. I look up and see that she is reading a book. She drops the book down slightly. "Good morning."

"J, what time is it?" "It is indeed the morning." Did I sleep for that long? "You sure took your time sleeping." Has she been sitting here this whole time? If she hasn't moved, she must be hungry. I stand up and jump down before stretching. I haven't exactly slept in that position before. "You must be hungry, let me cook us up something." She leaves the room through the door opposite the fireplace, but she leaves the door open.

I follow her in and see a smaller room than the one we had just left. All it has is a very large pile of gold coins in the left corner opposite the door and another, smaller pile of some kind of meat on the right. "I can see why you're called the Master Thief." She looks at me, then looks at where I am looking. "Do you like my mounds. They aren't exactly the same size but they are both attractive." She giggles while grabbing some meat and leaving the room.

She then pulls out a metal plate from under the couch and sets it over the fire. I gawk at it, not understanding how it stays hovering even as it's not touching anything. Lucy must see my face clearly. "It's magic silly." She proceeds to place the meat on the plate and sit back down on the couch. "We have to wait a little bit for the meat to cook and then we can eat it." I know that. "I usually have cereal for breakfast so having steak will be a first." "As long as it's edible, I'd eat it." "Is meat the only thing we'll be eating? Shouldn't she have some sort of fruits or vegetables?" "You'd be surprised what people can live off of."

It doesn't take long for the meat to be fully cooked. When it is, Lucy grabs the plate with her bare hands. "Shouldn't that hurt?" She looks at me and smiles. "Time to eat!" She sits on the couch and pats the seat next to her. "Come on." I jump up and she separates the meat evenly on the plate for the two of us. She points at the half closer to me. "This is yours." She points at the other half. "This is mine." I'm not stupid lady.

I quickly eat as much of the meat she gave me as I need, which is only about a quarter of what she gave me, and lay on the couch when I'm done. "You're already done?" Obviously. "I'll eat the rest then." When she is done she scrapes the juice and remains into the fire and places the plate under the couch again. "That seems like a health hazard." "When the plate is heated enough, the bacteria on it will die." Sure. "I should show you my house! You'll need it if you are going to be living here with me."

She walks to the door to the right of the fireplace, opens it, and walks through. I follow, of course. What kind of person would I be if I didn't accept her tour? "This is my bedroom!" She points to a door on the right wall of the door we just came through. "That's where we go to refresh ourselves. You won't have to because you can go outside." Ugh. I get a house, I get food, but I don't even get a proper bathroom. "That marks the end of the tour since you already saw my storage room. The other door leads outside."

I turn around and go towards the exit. Since it's the same as all the other doors, I won't be able to reach the handle unless I am somewhat humanoid. "Do you want to go outside?" Of course I do. I don't want to feel like I'm being held captive. "Do you promise not to run away like the others?" How many times have you tried this? She looks at me and hesitantly reaches for the doorknob, turns it, and opens the door.

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