Chapter 5

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"So, all in all, I've been dead for three weeks, I'm now a female, and you've made me racially confused." After stepping out of the cave in weeks, I went straight into the forest since trying to get back to that kingdom will be nothing but a bad idea at this point.

"Well I wouldn't say ya've been dead the whole time, it was more like a sort of stasis of yer soul."

"Sorry, but I really don't care and it really doesn't matter. By the way, can you do something about that speech pattern of yours? It can be hard to understand sometimes."

"Yeah, I guess. Can't have you confused when you're in a life or death situation and wondering what to do with that pretty little head of yours."

"Please don't call me pretty." My face feels somewhat heated as I clench my teeth slightly. "Aw but your blushing."

"If I could look away and not let you see my face, I would." "I know. You will never be able to hide anything from me, ever."

"Are you going to be watching literally everything I do?" "Indeed I will." I shiver.

As I am walking, I try my best to somehow have an epiphany as to how to activate and use the skill that I should already be able to use. The already dark forest in the night makes it a little challenging to even see if I am actually making any progress. I also notice I am a lot faster than I was before and that I feel like I could keep going for a very long time.

"Hey, why do people call you the Devil? You seem pretty nice to me. Also, what else can I call you other than Devil?" " Just call me J. It's because of the Goddess that you met before. She managed to convince everyone that I was someone to be hated and also somewhat feared. This means you probably shouldn't tell anyone who it is you're talking to."

"Then, what am I supposed to do when someone catches me technically talking to myself?" I can almost hear her grin, "That's the fun part."

"Making me seem like a nut-job is the fun part? How am I supposed to get anyone to help me if they think I'm crazy?" She giggles some, "That's for you to figure out."

I return to my walking and practicing a little more irritated than I had been before. After a little while longer, there was a loud, "I got it!" "What did you get? Also, please don't be that loud. My head feels like it could melt at any moment."

"Oh sorry, but I figured out what I want you to be!" "My race? Please don't let it be a super scary monster."

"Oh stop whining, you'll see what I have in store you." Before long, a box shows up just like with the status and experience.

{New skill
[Adapt Species]}

"What is that?" "Why don't you find out?"

{[Adapt Species]}
{Gift from The Devil. User is able to become any species they desire that they have already seen in person with their own body. Prolonged use can start to change the original body.}

"That's species, not races." "Same thing." "No its not!" "This way I'm not the one who has to choose! You get to be who you want to be!" "I want to be the person I was before all of this happened! I'd rather deal with homework than deal with whatever the hell is going on in this place!" Either way, I haven't actually seen anything other than humans yet and since this isn't the same body I had on Earth I can't become any of the animals I saw at the zoo.

"What kinds of animals live in this forest?" "Beats me." "Are you of any use?" "Of course I am! I just haven't had the chance to help."

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