Chapter 12

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I don't know how long I have been running. After a while, I got worried that I was going the wrong way but there is nothing else I could have done, and nowhere else I could have gone so I just kept going. Now I'm regretting my choice.

Suddenly I hear a man's laughter and I jump at least a few feet out of my skin. I look around and see nobody. "J, was that you?" I get no answer. "J, are you there?" Still no answer. I hear the laughter again, this time closer. I look around some more. I notice the shadows of the very early morning and even though I have the power to control them, I am terrified. "Is someone there?"

"You've failed them all Charles." I am frantically spinning at this point. "Where are you, show yourself!" Where is J? I? "You brought your classmates to that city of people. You killed them all." No, no I couldn't have. I was passed out half the time right? "You're going to bring them to the people again and the rest are going to die." I don't know what's happening, I'm scared. "You will kill them all." I pick a random direction and run. "NO!"

By the time I am lucid again, it is daytime and I am lost. "J, please tell me you're there." "Mhm, what's up?" "Did you hear who that man was?" "What man?" Am I hearing voices in my head? "Hey! Who am I to you!" "I'm not talking about you!" I hear rustling to my right. "Who's there?" Lucy jumps out at me. "Charlie! You made it!" She quickly grabs me and I get a hug.

"I heard you yell, are you alright?" I nod my head. She starts walking pretty fast in the direction she came from. "The refugees are near here, I'm glad you got my hidden message." I want to tell her it wasn't very hidden but I just don't have the energy. "Luckily, about two-thirds of us survived. I guess we had a better emergency plan than I thought. Oh yeah, since that one guy died by one of the humans, may he rest in peace, I have been elected as one of the new leaders! Isn't that exciting?" Totally.

I wiggle and she gets the memo. I change back and hang my head. "Am I a horrible person?" Lucy looks shocked. "No! Why would you think that?" I look at her. "I brought those humans to the city." She furrows her brows. "What are you talking about? I picked you up and brought you home." I look down again. "Yeah but how else could they have found the city?" She grabs my shoulder, we stop and I look up to see her concerned face. "They were bound to find us eventually, they have been hunting us for 350 years."

My eyes widen. They've been living like this for that long? What kind of monsters live on this planet? We start walking again and I can feel my blood boiling. Maybe if the humans told the Beast-Men why are hated, they could fix something, or laws could be made to help in some way. "How did you know my name by the way?" I look at her confused. "Huh?" She looks at me. "My name, you said it when I was fighting that other girl. Why didn't you want her to be harmed by the way? She was there too, she attacked us."What am I supposed to say? Can I tell her that I used to be a human? "I have a skill called appraisal." She looks interested. "Oh that's rare, what level are you?"

Name: Charlie

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Race: ?

Class: None

Lvl: 14

Exp: 66/140

HP: 62,625

SPD: 12,525

STR: 12,525

DEF: 12,525

INT: 12,525

MP: 0/0

Affinities: None

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