Chapter 7

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"Charlie wake up!" I am unsure whether I am woken by the yelling or the violent shaking. I see Ben has plenty of energy. "I'm awake you don't have to do that anymore." When he does stop I notice I am on my back—probably because he pushed me over—so I roll to the side so I can stand. It must be very early in the morning since there is no light coming from the entrance. I also notice that we are the only ones here at the moment. "Come on, we'll show you something before we go hunting."

Before I follow him outside the den, a worry comes to mind. "J, you said the Devil's Mark is on my back. Would it be bad if anyone saw it?" "I've never given it to anyone so no one should know what it is or what it means. Although, my replacement is the one who designed it so she most likely shared the fact that it's 'evil'  to all of her followers." "Who are her followers?" "Basically all of the humans, but I don't know why they believe her since I've never actually done anything bad. Well, I haven't necessarily done any good either." As long as I don't let humans see my lower back I'll be fine.

"Charlie, did you fall back asleep?" I see Ben stick himself in the hole to check on me. "I'm coming, I'm coming." I get out of the hole to see all three foxes waiting for me. It is dark outside but increasing rays of sun confirm my theory of it being early morning. "We need to show you the stream before we go hunting. Follow me!" He starts running in a direction that seems random to me but is obviously not to any of the others. A stream would be good for bathing depending on how big it is. I just have to hope it's large enough.

"Alright, we're here!" When we stop I look at everything around. Everything is the same trees all over the place and bushes scattered amongst them. The difference here is the so-called stream. I put my small fox paw into the crevice keeping the water in and make a complete dam. "This isn't much." I lift my paw away and see the others are drinking from where the water pooled. "It's all you get so live with it." Someones grouchy in the morning. Well, he was grouchy yesterday too but that's just his personality.

"We should go hunt now. If you wish to join us, I cannot guarantee a meal if you mess up since the extra will go to Ben if he cannot catch his. If you do not wish to join us and want to find your own food, whether it be breathing or otherwise, be my guest." Samuel turns sharply and starts to walk away and is quickly followed by Jacob. They're so serious all the time. "I'll just see if I can find some kind of plants to eat." After a quick farewell from Ben, I find myself alone.

"J, how do foxes normally bathe?" "Foxes are like cats in this way, they clean themselves or each other." Regular cleaning is required to stay healthy but if I have to lick myself clean I just might puke and I sure as hell am not letting any of the other three do it. I commence my search for food that may not taste bad or feel weird in my mouth while chewing. Though I'm not sure whether or not I still have an appetite after that news.

One week has already passed of coexisting with the foxes and the one thing I miss the most is definitely the toilet paper. Since animals don't have butts like humans, they don't really need to wipe themselves since it is a lot harder for them to foul themselves but it would be nice.

The one thing I miss the least would definitely be the repetitiveness of what used to be my everyday life. First, I would wake up and go to school. I'd get pushed around and go to class, then when it was over I'd get pushed around some more. After, I'd get home, do homework and sleep. Then everything would repeat the day after. There were weekends but most of those were just filled with reading whatever I could find that interested me at the time.

The rollercoaster that was the summoning to this world originally made me think things would be different. Though, now things are getting repetitive again. Every day after being woken up by Ben at sunrise the three foxes start hunting for breakfast and I start hunting for some kind of plant that I might be able to eat. One day I eat berries from a bush, the next I eat apples from a tree, I don't bother trying to catch meat since I probably won't enjoy the taste anyway. Especially not after the first time.

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