Day 21

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  I seeked Alec's warmth. I stretched out my arms to hold Alec closer to me. Instead of firm, strong muscle, I met something softer, more tender... I open my eyes and see a mess of long hair. Alec's hair is long, but not this long. What the hell. "Mag-nus?" This was not Alec.

  "What the hell!" I jumped out of bed. This was not Alec. Not my boyfriend. This was a girl. My heart speed up a million miles and my head pounded from thinking so much. What happened to Alec?

  "Magnus? What's wrong?" she said.

  "Who the hell are you?" How could this have happened? Alec and I were home last night alone. We didn't go out or anything that could've lead to a girl coming home. I was home last night and know I fell asleep next to Alec.

  "Magnus you're scaring me. What are you doing?" She got out of bed, luckily she was wearing a shirt. Alec's shirt? This situation just keeps getting weirder.

  "I don't know who you are, but I'm asking that you leave and bring my boyfriend back." I tried to act calm, but I couldn't stop the sparks flying from my hands. My mind was in such a mess, I couldn't control my magic.

  "I am your boyfriend, Magnus." No, this couldn't be. Alec was male last time I checked.

  "If you believe you're Alec, tell me. What did he name Church when he was too young to call him by his real name?" It's a story Alec had never told anyone else besides me before. He didn't like the name Church as a kid, so be gave him a different name.

  "Fluffy?" She's right.

  "I suggest you look in mirror because if you're Alec, then something happened to your...appearance." She got out of bed and looked into my mirror. When she saw herself, she gasped. She was about as confused as me. She then went into hysterics.

  "Magnus! What happened to me!"

  "So you are Alec?"

  "Yes I'm Alec! But I'm not in my body! What the fuck I'm a girl!"

  "Alec, sweetie, calm down." I went over a grabbed her wrist with one hand, and put my other hand on her shoulder. "I don't know what happened, but first I need you to calm down."

  "How can I be calm! I'm a girl!"

  "Yes I know. You're a very pretty girl, at least." She slapped my arm. "You were pretty when you were a guy too." I grinned at her because she was clearly annoyed. Teasing Alec has always been fun.

  "I don't care if I'm pretty! All I want to know is how to get back into my body!"

  "We'll have to figure that out later, but first we're going to go see Isabelle."

  "Why Isabelle?"

  "Because she'd probably kill me if I didn't bring you to her." I dragged Alec out of the apartment no matter how badly he didn't want to be seen. In a way, I get it because it would be odd to wake up one day and all go a sudden you're a girl. He's just going to see his sister, though. He probably just doesn't want to be teased by her.

  Alec looked extremely uncomfortable on the subway. She(or should I say he?) pulled her hood over her head and pulled at the sleeves. "It's okay, sweetie." My arms found their spot on her shoulders. She stopped fumbling once she was comfortable.

  "Thank you," she mumbled.

  "No problem, sweet cakes." I kissed her forehead.

  Soon enough we were at the Institute. Alec hesitated at the door. "Will you think she'll make fun of me?"

  "She won't. She's your sister. A little teasing, but she want make fun of you I promise. If she does I'll turn her into a pillow."

  "Thanks." I took her by her hand inside and dragged her to Isabelle's room. I kicked on her door. "Who is it?" she called out."

  "Magnus and" Alec kicked me for that. I opened the door. Isabelle was about to say hi when she stopped in her tracks.

  "Where's Alec and who's this?" Her brows fumbled together.

  "I have a story you'd want to hear. Your brother is now a sister." She looked confused, but after a second she understood.

  "No fair! You have bigger boobs than me!" I started laughing hysterically at that.

  "Isabelle! It's not funny!" Alec yelled at his sister.

  "Okay, Alexandra. Wait, Mganus. I'm begging you. Do I have your permission to dress Alexandra up?"

  "I'm not a doll! And ask for my permission, not his!" We ignored his input. I personally think Isabelle dressing him up would be hilarious.

  "Yes my darling Isabelle. I'll wait outside while you give our Alexandra a makeover than he never let me do even when he was in his body." Alec looked at me with pleading eyes. "Sorry, sweetie. It's revenge for never wearing eyeliner. Plus, it'll make Isabelle happy." I left and shut the door after that sentence.


  "Isabelle, darling. Have you finished yet?" I called out.

  "Yes my dear friend Magnus the Magnificent! You may come in!" I opened the door, snickering. Alec is going to hate me for this. "I present, the new and improved Alexandra!" She twirled Alec around for emphasis. She dressed Alec up in a white floral dress that went a bit past her knees. Her hair was braided back, and Isabelle even got makeup on her! Oh joy. Alec finally has makeup on. Even if he's not in his body it counts.

  "Isabelle, you simply did a fantastic job." I kissed Alec's forehead. Isabelle held a powder brush like a weapon.

  "Oh I know I did. This is what you get for having bigger boobs than me."

  "That's enough spite for today, Isabelle." I was still laughing. "We need to figure out what happened to Alec."

  "Finally!" Alec yelled. She was clearly angry. Maybe I should stop with the teasing, a bit.

  "Okay. Have you eatten anything odd? Anything I left out on the counter." She fumbled with the dress."What did you do?"

  "Well. I drank some coffee. It tasted like coffee, so I didn't think much of it. You always leave coffee around. " Coffee? Why would coffee turn him into a girl? I tried to think back to what happened yesterday. Nothing odd happened besides a faerie was being extremely rude. It clicked.

  "I'm never working with faeries ever again. Some fae was being a bitch, I yelled at her, and she must've put some fucking magic on the nearest thing she saw. Dammit."

  "You at least know what it is, right? You can fix it. Right?"

  "I can, but it'll take a bit. It's going to be tricky, but I can reverse it." I could see Alec thanking every Angel he knew. "Come along, Alexandra. We have to work to get you back into your body. Isabelle, as much as I appreciate your work you did on Alexandra, I'll have to turn her back into a he. It's what Alec would want."

  "It was nice while it lasted. At least he'll go back to having no boobs," Isabelle said. 

Original title: ALEC IS FEMALE

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