15~ You're going down

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"Could Kristina Harp please report to the principals office" The speaker announced, I lifted my head off my arms, grabbed my things and left the class with one glace towards Caleb. I knocked on the door "Come in" I opened it and saw Emily crying with a tissue, I have a bad feeling about this... "Sit" He ordered, I shut the door slowly and sat down "Now Miss Rodger has told me that you humiliated her in the morning and even hurt her" My eyes widened, that little bitch...

"Shes lying, I never touched nor humiliated her. In fact I haven't talked to her all day!" I say raising my voice a bit more with every word "Please Kristina just calm down, Emily has got proof" I snap my head towards her and glare slightly "What 'proof" I sneered

She lifted her sleeve and her wrist was all red "Her is where she pulled me around to slam me into t-things and" She paused grabbing a blue paper from her pocket "S-she put this up everywhere" The paper had a picture of her saying some crap about her being a whore "Sir shes lying, you and her have no proof it was me!" He opened his mouth to reply but then shut it again...he knew I had a point. I stood up angrily "You really want to help your students? Start looking around and see what Emily's friends do to everyone else, you go see how they torment them all alright?" And I left slamming the door.

I swear that bitch is going down. I walked back into class and dropped everything on my desk mumbling. How dare she lie, she could have got me in serious trouble! "Hey miss freak" Some guy said beside me I didn't look at him, but then he poked me "You freaky under the sheets? If you know what I mean, come by my house yeah?" I shoved his arm off me and glared at him "You know there is more to a girl than sex you rat, I'm a virgin and you know what im bloody proud! No way in hell I would get with you ever alright now leave me alone" He looked shocked, guess he wasn't expecting that at all. The teacher cleared her throat "Sorry Miss..." I said, she nodded and continued talking.


It was lunch, me and Caleb were in the library again talking about what happened this morning "Wow...shes mad" He mumbled "And what about that guy in class" He mutter, his tone of voice changed from surprised to annoyed slightly. "Oh he was telling me to go past his house to have sex or something" Calebs face glared at the book in front of him "You aren't going to are you?"

"Of course...." His face looked really pissed now "Not....of course not crazy" I chuckled lightly, his looked relieved now. "Were you jealous?" His eyes went wide and he shook his head fast

"N-no! I was just wondering" He said quickly, I nodded and we continued reading our books. "Hey Kris I was wondering, could I come over tonight?" He whispered, I looked at him concerned

"Yeah of course, is anything wrong at home?" I asked rubbing his back, he sighed shutting his eyes and then putting his face in his hands "My mum...she bought new drinks and she was furious this morning its not safe" I frowned "Oh...but yeah sure you can come" He smiled lightly

"Thanks" He said quietly and sounded relieved 

When we got home my mum popped up "Kristina hey!" she said happily hugging me then my dad came out to and joined the hug "G-guys you are all squishing me to death" They let go and smiled. "You took longer than you said" I grumbled "I know sweetie I'm sorr-"

"Who is this?" My dad asked coldly, he was talking about Caleb and he looked nervous alright...

"His my friend....Caleb" My dad looked at me weirdly. So I introduced them to Caleb and just left them standing there. I am beyond pissed with them, they were NOT gone for 2 days only they lied to me...Again.

"So...they were your parents huh..." I nodded and sat on my bed with my arms crossed. I hate when my parents do this, I hate when they do this to me...I hate they can make my day feel so crappy! The bed dipped behind me and I felt both of Calebs hands wrap around me from behind "Don't worry about your parents....just smile, for me okay?" He whispered kissing the top of my head.

I smiled lightly and leaned back closer to him. I like this, when I was with him I felt myself...Not some girl acting to be popular I actually feel like me which made me smile more "Beautiful" He mumbled quietly. The door slammed open and me and Caleb jumped away from each other, I looked at the door to see Jason with different emotions going through his face "This is a good guy for you great couple, ALSO im so sorry but my stay has been cut short I have to go back today" He said with a sad smile


Gonna leave it here sorry otherwise this chapter would have been really really long. 

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