25~First date-part 2

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It was now 3:40am and we were watching our sixth or seventh movie which was of course a horror movie, if you thought Caleb wanted to watch it nope it was me. It was called mama I'll admit it creeped me out a bit but Caleb looked scared shitless "Aww ebby don't be afwaid" I said in a baby voice, he glared at me and in that moment a scream came from the movie and all the power went out. "Did you do that?!" Caleb whispered harshly, I stood up and tried flipping the light switch. "No the power cut out, it seems like the whole streets did" I explained looking outside the window "You can fix it with that box thingy that controls the electricity cant you?" I asked

"One I have no idea how to work it, two its locked my mum has the key in her hand bag which only god knows where" He sighed  I turned on my phone and saw a new message from my mum that she sent at 9pm

From: Mum

HI Kristina

I understand you are out with a friend but me and your father have another meeting up at Perth so we will be gone for 2 days, it will just be 2 days


I shook my head in annoyed and turned on the torch app "Okay this may sound weird but can I sleep over?" I mumbled "Y-yeah of course, we should probably get to sleep now though its late"

"Yeah" I agreed walking with him to his room, he passed me one of his shirts and shorts to use and I went into the bathroom to get changed. I took of my shirt and pants then put on his shirt and then his shorts. I walked out and saw him setting a sleeping area on the ground "That spot better be for me" I said, I guess he didn't realize I was there because he jumped and put a hand on his heart "Jesus you scared me and no its for me no arguments" He confirmed laying in the spot. I felt bad that he was sleeping there, I would rather him sleep with me than on the ground. I laid in the bed and got an idea.

"You know....mama could be hiding under the bed and ready to grab you" I whispered I heard Caleb moving around on the covers "Don't say that" He whined

"She could have her eyes on you right now or maybe she already has your leg and you are to scared to even notice" I whispered again trying not to laugh when he sat up shuffling around "You could just sleep with me and be safe" I said shyly "W-would you mind?" He mumbled

"Course not its your room and I made you watch a movie that made you terrified, come on get here and we will protect each other" I giggled, I heard him get up and under the covers next to me. I smiled, my plan worked. A few seconds later he spoke "Your right...I feel better and more protected here" He chuckled lightly, I felt his arm wrap around my waist and pulled my closer to him with my back against his chest which made me realise, he is only wearing boxers! I squirmed around trying to not get so awkward with it "You alright there?" He laughed a bit

"Wha? oh yeah sorry....goodnight Caleb" I whispered

"Goodnight Kris"


My eyes opened slowly and I blinked, this isn't my room. I sat up and stretched looking around then the memories flooded back to me. I slept over, I heard light crackling sounds come from the kitchen so I walked out to see Caleb making breakfast which made me smile.

"Morning, I see the powers back"" I mumbled hugging him from behind, he turned off the stove and turned around and hugged me back "Do you want to visit your mum today?" I asked, he looked down at me with a smile and nodded kissing my forehead. We ate the breakfast he made, which was eggs and bacon, and we got in the car and left. As we were driving I noticed this black car with tinted windows follow us for a while it was starting to make me feel very unconformable. "Hey Caleb" I mumbled, he took a quick glance at me and saw my worried face

"Whats wrong?" He questioned, I looked back at the review mirror to see the car still there. "Kristina?" He asked again

"T-that car has been following us for a while" He looked in his review mirror and frowned a bit, then he started to drive a bit faster "Do you know him" I asked

"No...but I might have a clue" He muttered coldly, we continued driving in silence then the black car switched lanes and drove up beside us. You could see a face looking at us through the tinted window, after a few seconds the car speed off into the distance "Weird..." I muttered. We then got to the hospital we walked in to Kathrine's room.

"Hey mum" Caleb greeted her with a hug

"Hello Caleb and Kristina" I waved in return

"Mum I need to ask you about those men.... Do you know what type of car they drive?" I was quite confused, what men? But I kept quiet. Kathrine's face paled slightly "A black jeep with black tinted windows...why?" I had a feeling this men were a bad thing and that was the car we saw. "They were following us, maybe they thought it was you in the car"

"If they do, call the police tell them everything tell them to come talk to me too..." She paused then here face turned to a frown "You're driving?! You don't even have your drivers licence!" She groaned and I chuckled 

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