28~ Lost

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Caleb's POV

I walked into the school with Kristina's hand in mine, people gave us weird glances we never really showed we were together even though people always said we were now they can see it true "Guess he's not a fag! Or are you just hiding still?" Some guy screamed, Kristina's grip tightened I knew she wanted to do something back but I tugged at her hand leaned closer to her "Just ignore it please....for me" She sighed and nodded and we continued walking to our lockers.

First class was PE. I walked to the oval where the teacher meets up with all of us. I wish Kristina was in this class with me. "Okay class today we will be playing a game of soccer, girls you take the basketball courts" The girls jogged to the basketball courts and most likely started gossiping. The coach was kinda sexist in my opinion the girls never played games like this with the guys even if they asked.

"Dominic and Jake! You two are the captains" And they started picking their team members. Of course I was left till the end. "Coach I'll take Caleb" Jake said raising his hand, the coach was thinking. Please don't let me be in Dominic's team, please don't let me in Dominic's team, just let me be in Jakes I pleaded in my mind. The coach then shook his head "You have one more player then Dominic. Caleb get into Dominic's team" I gulped and shuffled my way to his group.

"Im benching you" Dominic said straight away, I just nodded. I sat on the bench watching the groups set up; the coach then came and sat next to me "Why are you sitting, get up into the game"

"Dominic said I was gonna be benched..." I said quietly, the coach shook his head

"Not today, come on" He pulled me up "Nathan you're sitting this one out" Coach said, Nathan glared at me and walked off. A few minutes later we were all on the field and I felt my hands starting to shake. I've never been on the field and its scary as hell for me. "Okay! You ready?" The coach yelled he blew the whistle and the game started.

I ran did everything I was supposed to do but still people ignored me. "Ten seconds left! Go go go!" The coach yelled. I stood near our goal since no one was even passing the ball. "JUST FUCKING PASS IT TO HIM" Some guy on my team screamed, I was confused and looked up to see the ball flying towards me I was to shocked to move and it hit me in the stomach which left me grunting and holding my stomach; giving the other teams members take the ball and shoot a goal and that means they won.

"YOU WIMP! YOU MADE US LOSE" Dominic screamed in my face, I flinched. "You fucking loser can do nothing right, your so called girlfriend will leave you sooner than you think! You watch shes going to wish you killed yourself just like everyone else wishes that" He growled out pushing me to the ground and walking off.

I cant do this anymore....I said to myself in my mind "I need to get away" I then whispered. I stood up, brushed my pants off and ran, students I saw as I ran...they gave me looks until one called out "Attention seeker!" and others started "Cutter!" "BET YOU CUT FOR ATTENTION FROM YOUR MUM" "Maybe that's the reason Kristina is dating him" it got harder to breathe but I finally was out the school and out into the streets to wherever my legs took me. Everything I had was left at school, and my phone dammit I lost it...no one can contact me. I don't care right now I just want out in this world! I screamed and fell to the ground in an empty grass field.

your so called girlfriend will leave you sooner than you think His words rang in my mind, what if he's right? No I shouldn't think that way. Im here thinking about killing myself again and I haven't thought about the people I have. I cant do this to my mum after all that's happened...And Kristina I cant leave without a goodbye... I sighed

That's when it hit me like a million bricks I looked around at my surroundings "Where the hell am i?..." I muttered.

Kristina's POV

Its last period and I haven't seen Caleb since, I was getting really worried now. I grabbed my phone and texted him for the fifth time still getting no response. So I just decided to walk to the office "Hi, can I help you" the lady asked clicking through her phone then looked up at me. "Yeah um...have you got a clue where Caleb Ross is?"

"Ah yes actually he was last seen running out the school in first period....looked quite paranoid if you ask me" She said dazing off, I then ran out "Hey you can't just leave!" She yelled but I  ignored it. Where am I meant to go!? I kept running and called him

"Its uh Caleb...leave a message after the beep...*beep*

"Hey Caleb you need to answer right now y-you need to answer me...Caleb pl—" I stopped in mid-sentence when I saw his phone on the ground. No....I picked it up and looked around. The tears started to cloud up with tears. I went through Calebs contacts and saw Kathrines number so I called quickly

"Caleb? Aren't you in school?" She asked

"No its me...he ran off first period I...I don't know where he is! K-kathrine he dropped his phone hes gone I don't know what to d-do" I cried

"Okay okay I will come pick you up we will both go looking for him"

In around eight minutes she picked me up and we went driving around and asking people. No sign of him at all, I wiped my tears away as Kathrine parked in her drive way and we both walked into her house. "Im going to phone the police" She mumbled sadly walking to the kitchen and holding the phone to her ear.

"Yes hello, my sons missing....yeah....since about nine in the morning...im not waiting that long hes missing!....No im not agreeing with this you need to help me!.....Fine fine.... Yeah im sure your sorry" She growled and hung up, guessing it didn't go to well "They said he needs to be gone for 24 hours before they go looking... do you want to spend the night and tomorrow we go looking again?" I nodded not feeling like speaking. God I hope he's okay...

Okayyy so this story is almost done! Only 5 more chapters left! Thank you all for readin :)

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