IV. The Head and the Heart

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"We've been through a lot together, you and I." Clarke said, her voice soft and full of nostalgia. Her eyes met Bellamy's, and he was sure that her gaze alone was more intimate than anything else he had ever experienced.

She went on to talk about the beginning of their story. Their initial dislike of one another. Bellamy putting his sister above all else.

"You've got such a big heart, Bellamy." She continued.

He began to realize that this sounded too much like a goodbye speech, that she was taking Abby's premonition about her death very seriously. "Clarke—"

As always, she persisted. "People follow you. You inspire them because of this." Clarke laid her hand to rest on his chest, right above his heart. Bellamy was sure she could feel it beating a million times per minute. "But the only way to make sure we survive is if you use this, too." She gestured to his temple— his head.

Bellamy's head shook ever so slightly. "I got you for that."

It was true, he realized in that moment. He always had her to make the logical decisions. That was why their partnership had worked so well. Bellamy could only be so impulsive and compassionate because she was so rational and thoughtful.

It seemed like a perfect metaphor, something so epic that it could've come straight from one of those Greek mythology books he loved so much when he was younger. Two leaders, trying to do their best, trying to keep their humanity, relying on each other throughout it all.

The heart and the head.

And looking over at Clarke in that moment, Bellamy knew he had never been so glad to have her by his side.

• • •

"Octavia's not the only one who changed,"  Clarke said, looking across the tent at Bellamy.

I know, he thought, thinking of her short hair and calmer, somehow quieter, presence. It had been six years, and Bellamy didn't recognize his princess as much as he'd hope he would. There wasn't that same click that came from mere eye contact. He couldn't read her soul like he had once been able to.

Logically, he knew that they just needed more time together, that this was just a set back. Six years was a long time.

But it broke his heart all the same.

"You could've killed the prisoners in cryo," Clarke went on, "But you didn't. Diyoza would have killed me, if not for you. Madi would be alone. You got that bunker open."

She was right. He had changed, too— more rational, less emotional. It was necessary for their survival in space. He had to play both of their roles and lead on his own, all because she wasn't by his side.

Bellamy felt the familiar sting that such thoughts usually caused. Turning away, he muttered, "Who knew it would turn out to be Pandora's box?"

"I'm serious, Bellamy." And something in the tone of her voice forced him to look right back into her eyes.

"The heart and the head," she said, her voice full on longing and a certain emotion he couldn't place.

He felt the intensity of her gaze deepen, and he knew exactly why.

Because those words held power. They held years of memories and countless hard decisions and a million reassurance. They held hugs and tears and everything in between.

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